Ch 9 - Baked with Love

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Mondays are a curse to others, while it is a blessing for Zelma. Her freshly baked chocolate chip cookies are neatly packaged with a cute ribbon in her bag. It has become a norm for her to do this since she can do this every Sunday. Runo told her she can still do this so nothing has changed as far as showing her affection is concerned.

"What could you possibly be thinking this early in the day?", Basker whispered to Zelma.

Zelma, having been accustomed to Basker casually hooked her arm to him and whispered, "who else but the love of my life?". Both laughed with their not-so-secret secret.

After passing the corner, Markus and Runo appeared and saw the two in front of them. Markus stole a glance at Runo before jumping the two, putting his arm sandwiching Zelma between him and Basker. Zelma knowing full well Runo is behind, stopped and bowed a bit so Markus is now left with his arm around Basker as they walked on. Markus didn't mind and continued walking just like that. He doesn't know though that Basker's heart skipped a beat. Basker now wishes time would stand still so he can enjoy Markus' warmth and sweet smell.

In the meantime, Zelma waited till Runo reached her so she can talk to him. "I have your weekly cookies in my bag. I will give it to you when we reach class."

"Thank you as always. I will eat it during break", Runo casually replied. Zelma smiled. Those little moments are enough for her.

Classes went on as usual. One particular activity which stood out though is when the student council announced the upcoming Ogma University Festival. One male and female student from each department will represent for the Main event which is the search for Ogma Prince and Princess.

Second announcement is the class specific events include cafes, maze, food stalls, booths etc...

Third is the bulletin announcement of top 10 per department for the midterms which will happen that week.

Needless to say, Zelma and Runo were voted by majority of the class. They now need to think what talent to showcase, 3 weeks from now. Contrary to other events like this, they are not competing as a couple. Each of them has to fight for this title. This carries additional points for the whole class' final scores in their Physical Education Class. Winning one is enough but winning both will mean exemption in the finals.

Upon reaching the end of the class, Basker approached Markus, Runo, Aelia and Zelma.

"Guys, wanna hang out my place? Mom's prepared a lot of fresh mandarin orange juice from granma's orchard. She also wants to meet you all." They all agreed and stood up to get their bags from their seats.

Once they were out, a familiar melodious voice rang in the hallway, "Runo honey, I caught you. Heard you are the representative for the Ogma Prince. Let's win it together shall we?" Lory as usual hooked her hand around Runo's arm. However, because of her sudden call to Runo, she bumped into Basker who stopped to look at her.

"Oh I'm so sorry", said Basker with pleading eyes.

"Oh hello handsome. Don't worry about it dear. Someone as good looking as you can tempt a saint". Lory then looked at Runi and said, "See you on Sunday" then blew a kiss.

Zelma can't help but feel the sharp pain in her chest and started walking. Aelia held her hand and tried to make a small talk.

Basker on the other hand walked beside Markus who immediately put his arm around him. Oblivious to the fact that Basker's happy meter is filling up inside. Runo then walked fast to reach the two guys .

"Well, here we are. Make yourselves comfortable at the dining table. I'll bring out our food and drinks.", said Basker.

"Lemme help!", Zelma raised her hand and followed Basker into the kitchen.

"I'll prep the plates and utensils!", said Aelia.

"You okay?", Basker asked Zelma once they were alone.

"Yes, I guess. He is with us after all. And he ate my cookies as usual during break time earlier". Zelma reached for a can of cookies from her bag and said, "This one is for all of us to eat!"

"Oh good, I on the other hand...", Basker paused while getting 2 custard fruit pies from the oven, "...baked these yesterday. I asked mom to re-heat while we are on the way here. I also baked one for Markus to take home."

The two went to the dining room carrying the food and drinks and were greeted by Mrs. Raleigh Dee, Basker's mom. She's gorgeous, slim, tall and she's the goddess who gave Basker his good looks. She's very lovely and asked them to not hesitate to visit again. Before she left for the salon, she hugged her son and whispered something which made Basker blush.

"Zelma and I didn't know we have the same hobby. Please enjoy my custard fruit pies and Zelma's chocolate chip cookies. Mom also prepared bottled juice for each of you to take home so don't forget later.", said Basker.

The group enjoyed the pastries while talking away about the upcoming exams and university events.

While preparing to go home, Basker pulled Markus aside and gave him his own little 8-inch custard fruit pie. "Please enjoy it.", he whispered to him, careful not to let the others hear him.

At that moment Markus knew what is happening. He gazed intently at Basker's eyes and smiled.

"I think we need to talk about this... seriously and soon. Either tonight, tomorrow, or after exams. Think about it hard. Message me tonight as to when. Alright? We'll go ahead." He gave Basker one last smile and waived.

÷÷÷÷÷End of Chapter 9÷÷÷÷÷

Author's Notes:

1. Basker is on the move woooot

2. Shall I create a love interest for Aelia? Hmmm...

3. Please be kind on your comments. The world is already cruel as it is. We need more 💞 to go around.

4. Pinterest Image:

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