Ch 11 - On My Own

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The Day of the Festival arrived. As everyone prepares for the day's event, Runo and Zelma are already prepared for their talent numbers separately.

Their whole class also decided to do a DIY Dessert station where people can choose their own toppings for ice cream base of their choosing as well.

The announcement of top students per year per department is also posted in the bulletin board.

Basker and Markus, in their godly presence, stood in front of the bulletin board.

"You tranfers disturbed our rankings.", Markus whispered to Basker who blushed immediately.

1. Runo Vie
2. Markus Vie
3. Aelia Sie
4. Basker Dee
5. Zelma Eigh

"Do I get a reward though?", asked Basker.

"Tell you mom you're staying over at my place tonight. Better yet, I will go with you later to tell her. You will need to get a few things for tonight and tomorrow anyway.", said Markus. Basker agreed. The campus couple went to enjoy the booths and themes of other classes.

Meanwhile, Zelma just dropped by the event organizer led by Communications Department to give the usb copy for the song number she prepared for afternoon's event.

As she closed the door, she heard Lory from behind her.

"Oh you're here. You know where Runo Is?" Lory asked in her usual sweet voice.

"I think he was having last practice run for his piano recital for his talent number.", Zelma answered.

"You still haven't given up on him huh. Did you know we spent last weekend together? Our parents love having our families spending sundays from time to time. Since am his future wife.. oh but I already told you that. It doesn't hurt to remember though, yes?", Lory teased.

"Yes, you did mentioned that. I need to go, see you later.", Zelma hurried off.

In her haste, upon turning in the corner Zelma bumped hard into somebody. She felt a warm hand gripped her waist to prevent her from falling. He immediately let go of her once she is stable on her feet.

"I'm sorry!", both of them exclaimed.

The guy who bumped into Zelma is Moon Kei, the Prince of Engineering Department, 3rd year and Lory's male counterpart in the contest. He has a very kind expression and warm personality.

After their awkward apologies, Moon asked of he can make up with a glass of cherry limeade from their class' fruit refreshment stand.

As they walked towards the stand, they heard Lory from behind, "You look good together. Oh Prince, don't ditch me in today's competition though".

"Don't worry Princess, we are ready.", Moon smiled and turned to Zelma. "Shall we?", he waved to Lory then guided Zelma in the direction where they are heading.

Lory with a devilish grin went to find where Runo is practicing.

It did not take her long to find him talking to the Music professor in one of the classrooms. She waited for them to finish before approaching.

"Hello Honey! You ready for later?" Not really waiting for an answer, Lory send something to Runo's fone. "Look at it, come on, look look!", Lory pushed.

Ding! ding! Runo took out his fone and saw that Lory sent a picture of Zelma and Moon happily talking while walking. She took it earlier before she approached them.

"What about it? Lory, you of all people know I am not interested in other people's love lives. Much less Zelma who is my friend. She can date whoever she wants for all I care. You also asked about this last Sunday and I answered you then which is the same even now at this very minute. Don't ask me such trivial things anymore. I need to go. See you later.", Runo left quite irritated.

The time for the contest started as scheduled. There are 6 pairs vying for Prince and Princess of Ogma University for this year.

At the backstage, Lory is a goddess in her white shimmering evening gown pulled Zelma aside who is wearing midnight blue princess gown.

"I will let you hear something, it's Runo and you need to hear it", without skipping a beat Lory played the recording:

"What about it? Lory, you of all people know I am not interested in other people's love lives. Much less Zelma who is my friend. She can date whoever she wants for all I care. You also asked about this last Sunday and I answered you then which is the same even now at this very minute. Don't ask me such trivial things anymore. I need to go. See you later." Click.

"He doesn't care about you nor your confession. Give up now. I already confirmed it twice for you.", Lory left Zelma dumbfounded and hurt.

Little did Lory know, what she did only made Zelma internalize her piece for the talent show more effectively when she sang On My Own:

On my own pretending he's beside me
All alone I walk with him till morning
Without him I feel his arms around me
And when I lose my way I close my eyes
And he has found me.

In the rain the pavement shines like silver
All the lights are misty in the river
In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight
And all I see is him and me forever and forever

And I know it's only in my mind
That I'm talking to myself and not to him
And although I know that he is blind
Still I say, there's a way for us

I love him but when the night is over
He is gone the river's just a river
Without him the world around me changes
The trees are bare and everywhere
The streets are full of strangers

I love him but every day I'm learning
All my life I've only been pretending
Without me his world will go on turning
A world that's full of happiness
That I have never known

I love him
I love him
I love him
But only on my own

Runo did a piano piece Moonlight Sonata - Ludwig van Beethoven which put the auditorium into a standstill all throughout the performance.

Contrary to other pairs who showed their talents separately, Moon and Lory did the classic wedding piece Canon in D by Johann Pachelbel in duet of piano and violin, respectively. Everyone fell in love.

There is about a 10-minute break to finalize the score for the show. The criteria is a mix of talent, q&a, overall presence and audience votation. Soon after, the committee prepared for the announcement of winners.

"Our Ogma Prince for this year is ... Mr. Runo Vie.", deafening applause and shouts were heard. Runo was given his sash, his crown and bouquet of flowers traditionally to be handed by the Prince to the Princess upon announcement.

"Now to complete our pair, our Ogma Princess for this year is... Ms. Lory Lei!", again deafening applause and shouts were heard especially from both the student of departments which will gain additional points for their Physical Education subjects.

Lory glided through the stage, accepted her sash and crown as well as her bouquet of flowers from Runo.

Amidst all these, everybody was caught off guard but immediate shouting and applause followed, when Lory grabbed Runo and kissed him in the mouth which lasted for 3 seconds.

÷÷÷÷÷End of Chapter 11÷÷÷÷÷

Author's Notes:

1. Lory is so mean. But as the saying goes, all is fair in love and war.

2. Please be kind on your comments. The world is already cruel as it is. We need more 💞 to go around.

3. Pinterest Image:

I See You... I'm HereOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz