Ch 15 - Final Year

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Zelma and Runo's physical relationship remained hidden and she is very careful around their friends. Zelma, loving the fact that she has this special time with Runo is already contented with the situation. She is scared Runo will take it away if she makes a mistake. She also enjoys those once or twice a month secret rendevouz they have which is fairly unpredictable since Runo decides on the schedule.

Basker and Markus are going strong. They already decided to live together once they graduate. Their parents are very supportive and even decided to help them find a place.

Aelia who seems to have no desire for any relationship decided to give Moon a chance just last year. Ever since Moon saw them together days after the festival 2 years ago, Moon pursued Aelia relentlessly. Aelia on the other hand is troubled because she knows his former love interest was Lory Lei, the so called Princess of Engineering department. It took Aelia a year before finally believing in Moon's feelings. He has now graduated and secured a stable job in one of the biggest oil companies in the country. He is also preparing for his and Aelia's future.

To Zelma, she is very happy that her friends at least have a stable and open relationships for the world to see and accept.

It is a particularly chilly day. Zelma is walking home alone since Aelia was picked up by Moon after class for a date. All of a sudden nausea engulfed her. She wants to vomit and the force in her ribs to vomit is painful. She haven't eaten yet, she cannot vomit. Nothing will come out.

She sat on a nearby bench just outside a traditional restaurant meant for waiting customers. The staff noticed her pale and sweaty face and gave her water.

She started to realize things... Missed period. Sensitivity to smells. Tiredness. She opened her cellphone internet and searched: can you get pregnant while taking birth control pills?

Yes. Although birth control pills have a high success rate, they can fail and you can get pregnant while on the pill.

Zelma breathed in deeply. She never felt more scared. What will Runo say to her? It is less than a month left before graduation. How will she handle this with mom? Will she get disowned? How will she handle motherhood at 21 years old and fresh graduate? She won't even be able to get a job while pregnany. After resting she decided to buy some pregnancy kits first from a nearby drugstore.

Zelma tested all three kits As soon as she went home. Just 40 seconds in, all kits showed double lines. Her heart ached. She didn't expect such a sudden turn of events before she graduates.

Zelma cleared her thoughts. Two things. One, she needs a support system. Her mother. She needs to talk to her mother and hope for the best. Two, she needs to tell Runo and really hope for the best.

During dinner time, Zelma cannot concentrate and her mother, Vivienne, noticed it. After dessert, Vivienne asked little Isabelle to prepare for bedtime. Zelma looked at her mother and Vivienne told her, "We need to talk?"

Mother and daughter sat in the dining table after the dishes were cleared. Zelma head is down, looking defeated and scared.

"Mom, I'm sorry", Zelma trembled and started crying uncontrollably. Vivienne held her hands until she calmed down. "Now tell me. Everything. From the beginning.", she told Zelma.

Zelma told her mother everything since 2nd year, her unrequited love, her physical relationship with Runo and their special arrangement.

"Seems like you love like I do.", Vivienne smile lovingly at Zelma, full of understanding and care. "I have always been thankful of your strentgh and intelligence Zelma. You never questioned my relationship with your father. I too have an unrequited love with him. It's just that we were set into marriage when our parents knew when I got pregnant with you. As it is with unrequited love, your father asked for divorce after 5 years. By then, I have already accepted concerts and events outside the country which helped with my bleeding heart.", Vivienne said with tears on her eyes.

"Mom, are you mad at Dad? Me? Runo?", asked Zelma.

"Your Dad, no. He is still the love of my life. Why do you think I haven't remarried? Your father probably knows it too. I just cannot make him fall in love with me. I just have to accept it as it is."

"I am not mad at you. Getting mad at you is like getting mad at myself. I know pretty much how much your heart yearns for Runo."

"As with Runo... he tried to make it work I guess. He created a situation where you will be both happy or that certain needs are fulfilled. You also agreed remember?"

"Right now, you need to tell him. But brace yourself. This is not what he envisioned when you started this agreement. However, you have my full support. Let us talk again after you reveal this to him. Again, we will face this together. No need to be scared. I just didn't expect to be a grandma this early.", Vivienne smiled and hugged her daughter tightly.

Zelma messaged Runo that night asking to have a talk after class.

Now that she calmed down, she realized how unfair she was to her unborn child. She put her right hand in her stomach and apologized sincerely, "I'm sorry baby. I was just scared earlier. But knowing I have you out of my love for your Daddy, I am really happy."

÷÷÷÷÷End of Chapter 15÷÷÷÷÷

Author's Notes:

1. Mommy Vivienne is so cool 😍

2. Hold on tight Zelma

3. Please be kind on your comments. The world is already cruel as it is. We need more 💞 to go around.

4. Pinterest Image:

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