Ch 6 - Pseudo-Rejection

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Markus put his arm around Zelma while walking. The fast food is just around the corner and he vowed to comfort her if anything gets sideways with the confession. He is thinking it really did got sideways since the requested comfort food were many, even the dessert requested was more than 1. "Mini mocha cake and custard cake? Really? Where will she put all of that in that petite body of hers?", Markus silently ponders.

Suddenly, they hear somebody running behind them calling out for Zelma. Breathlessly, Basker had to point his finger upward, indicating he needs a minute to catch his breath. The two waited patiently for Basker to relax.

"Here, you forgot this," Basker said handing over Zelma's scientific calculator. You left this when you hurriedly went after Runo earlier this morning before our 2nd class.

"Oh thank you so much, you saved me. I need this for Mr. Zedra's assignment.", Zelma bowed and held Basker's hand in gratitude.

"That's all, sorry to disturb you guys, I'll go ahead now", Basker turned to leave.

"I will treat you next time, promise", Zelma smiled at Basker while waiving.

Upon turning back to Markus, she can see his eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Oh shut up Markus!", Zelma said half-laughingly because she can see Markus wants to start teasing her about what just happened.

Upon reaching the fast-food restaurant, Zelma went ahead and chose a corner table for 4 people. She has already thought the need for a 4-person table because the food about to be served is for that, 4 persons, since two food-beasts will eat them, Her and Markus.

While enjoying the food, Zelma has already spilled the confession story. Markus patiently waits for her reaction. So far all of this are the story of what happened. He is trying to look for the reaction from Zelma. What she felt, what she wants to do and what she plans to do.

"So...?How are you taking it? I saw your expression earlier today. You seemed confused and sad at the same time. Where are you now emotionally?" asked Markus as he takes a bite of his grilled 4-cheese burger followed by french fries.

"I don't know... Okay here's what I got. He said he can accept my feelings but he cannot respond or reciprocate. He will, however, I remember this clearly, he said I can still do what I normally do for him if it makes me happy. So by that, it means, I can still show my feelings to him it's just that I should not hope. Honestly, I'm fine with that. He clearly said he does not plan to have a relationship as of this time.", Zelma said as she took a sip of her large coke float.

"So where is the confusion coming from?", Markus asked again.

"Hmmm after that pseudo-rejection, let's call it that shall we? A certain Lory Lei clung to him but he refused such action from her. He also told her off because of that. When Runo was out of earshot, Lory whispered to me, she heard Runo's rejection of me, told me her name, told me she's a 2nd year from engineering department, I was out of Runo's league and lastly, that she is Runo's fiancee... oh her exact words were future wife", Zelma finished this like summarizing her grocery list.

Markus coughed a few times because of what he heard and proceeded to explain, "She's still hung on that? You know Lory, Runo and I are all childhood friends. Typical with parents, they do matchmaking when their kids are young . But our parents are cool you know. They want us to find our own partners in life, my mother would never allow that for me. Seeing as you know her and my father are divorced now after being arranged for marriage at the age of 16. Don't get me wrong they are bestfriends now but they learned their lesson. Uncle Roy, Runo's dad is cool too, I cannot imagine him pushing his son on an arranged marriage. That girl Lory is really funny hahaha! Don't mind her, don't mind her". Markus is still laughing while waving his hand to Zelma while saying the last words.

Zelma is now relaxing a bit. Truthfully, Lory's attitude more than her words bothered her. She seems composed yet angry. Like a calm before a storm. She's trying to mark her territory from a potential threat.

Markus and Zelma finished their beastly meal and went home that day.

"Am I a threat to her?", Zelma once again is having an internal conversation.

÷÷÷÷÷End of Chapter 6÷÷÷÷÷

Authors Notes:

1. Lory is crazy, Basker is mysterious, Markus is funny, their parents are cool

2. Please be kind on your comments. The world is already cruel as it is. We need more 💞 to go around.

3. Pinterest Image:

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