Ch 8 - Not Interested

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Runo and his father Roy were having tea in the garden when Markus arrived with his gym bag. The cousins' well sculptured physique are all thanks to the private gym Runo's father had set up behind the mansion. If there's no basketball practice on a Saturday, they will usually meet during Sundays.

"Hello Uncle Roy, how was your trip last week?", Markus asked after hugging his favorite uncle from behind.

"It was great. I made some local purchases there. I had boxes prepared for you to take home. Have your father visit me okay? You better tell him.", Roy said and did a quick glance at his watch. "I better go, I have an appointment in an hour. Take it easy boys." And with that, he took off.

"So? How are you? And yes I'm talking about Zelma and yes I am curious as to your side of the story", asked Marcus while eyeing Runo intently.

Runo breathed in deeply. Markus has always been his very best friend and they hold no secrets. He also knows letting Markus know will help the situation with Zelma since he has a way with words if the need arises.

"Well," he started, "I told Zelma I am not interested to have any relationship now nor probably in the years to come. You are well aware of the reason why I had to follow father's wish to change majors. I will be taking over the family business once I graduate. I am even expected to do some training as early as my 4th year."

"But I am asking how do YOU feel about her?", Markus asked.

"Zelma and Aelia are the closest women to me now.", Runo answered.

"Hey, I am asking about Zelma specifically. That woman has a will of steel. She will stay if you did not answer her straight to let you go.", Markus explained.

"But I told her NO. I just told her if she wants to do what she usually does if it makes her happy, doesn't that make me considerate enough? I cannot make sense of what I feel for her... or rather I don't want to. I don't want distractions. I don't want anybody to waste their time waiting for me. I can only explain so much. But I clearly said NO from the very beginning.", Runo said.

"Alright fine. I understand your decision. I just hope you will not regret this decision in the future. I'm sorry to bring this up. Anyway, let's go to the gym." Markus picked his gym bag and started walking around the back where the gym is.

÷÷÷÷÷End of Chapter 8÷÷÷÷÷

Author's Notes:

1. Runo oh Runo why can't you multi-task?

2. Please be kind on your comments. The world is already cruel as it is. We need more 💞 to go around.

3. Pinterest Image:

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