2.7 Favourite Song

Start from the beginning

"Yes." Minho exclaimed quietly.

Teresa twisted her self so she was up right. "Teresa hurry." Thomas encouraged.

She pulled the lever, making her rope looser so she could sit on the edge. The others groaned at the feeling as she quickly took the rope of her ankles.

"Good evening, this is the World in Catastrophe Killzone Department." Janson's voice rung through the building as Teresa helped Isadora get up first.

"We have your compound completely surrounded." Janson stated the noise of the helicopter filling Isadora's ears. "You find yourselves, through no fault of your own, in possession of WCKD property."

Isadora helped Thomas to the ground, as Teresa grabbed a stick for Newt to grab onto so he could pull himself closer.

Janson continued to talk but Isadora blocked it out as she helped Frypan get to safety as Teresa moved to Aris.

"Let's go! Let's go." Thomas said as they ran around the giant drop and gathered together.

They were about to run but moved back as the man who had interrupted Jorge appeared, cocking his gun.

"We're not trying to cause any trouble, okay?" Thomas asked holding up his hands. "We just, we gotta get out of here."

"Is that so?" He questioned then lifted a walkie-talkie to his face and pressed the button. "I got them for ya, I'm gonna bring them down. Don't shoot us." He then took it away from his face. "Come on, let's go. I said, let's go."

Thomas jumped forward, pushing the man's gun up, making it shoot upwards. Thomas then grabbed onto it, and stumbled forwards.

He then head butted the man and he stumbled backwards. As Thomas was about to grab the gun in the man's shocked moment, it was cocked.

Thomas pushed the gladers back, standing infront of them. Isadora's eyes became tearful as she got a sense of déja vu.

"You little bastard." He spat and a gun went off. Isadora gasped, each of them flinching.

They looked at each other and none of them were hurt. The man, however, dropped his gun before falling to the floor. The girl appeared, holding up a gun. She had saved them.

"Okay, come on." She told them. "Come on, let's go!"

She ran off and the gladers hesitated before quickly following her. Teresa was the last one to follow as she looked at the walkie-talkie.

"Brenda, hurry." Jorge stated as the group ran up the stairs, Isadora's eye brows furrowed in confusion at the strange Hawaiian music. "We don't have much time. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go."

Jorge walked them over to a window that he pushed open. "Right this way." He stated as it opened, revealing a zip wire.

Isadora gulped as she looked at it, it led to another building but if you dropped you would instantly die when you hit the ground.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me." Frypan muttered.

"You kids want to get to the Right Arm? I'll lead you to them, but you gotta owe me." Jorge bargained.

He pulled on a rope that was in a circle around the chord. Jorge quickly pushed off, jumping to sit on it.

"Follow me!" Jorge exclaimed as he disappeared down the line.

"Alright, let's go, come on." Brenda stated, pulling another one down.

Minho went first, holding onto the rope as he pushed himself off. Frypan went next then Aris.

Isadora noticed Brenda backing up as Thomas got Teresa ready. "Brenda? Where you going?" Isadora called out as she ran off.

"Hey, just go, go, go. I'm right behind you." Thomas assured.

"Hurry." Teresa told the couple before pushing off.

"Isa, you gotta go." Thomas told her.

"I'm not leaving you, let's go." Isadora argued and Thomas groaned.

"Fine." He sighed, not having much time to argue.

They two ran after her and saw her looking through some drawers. "Brenda, come on! What are you doing?" Thomas exclaimed

"I got it! I got it." Brenda repeated and they were about to head back to the zip wire when they saw WCKD guards.

"Shit." Thomas muttered.

Brenda then shot at them, making them hide behind some pillars. "Go, go, go!" She instructed pushing them back.

Isadora jumped over the sofa, right behind Thomas. She ducked as they ran behind a glass wall, their electric bullets shooting through.

"Come on, hurry! We're running out of time!" Brenda shouted as they got onto a metal walkway.

Isadora followed Brenda, pushed infront of Thomas as she held onto the banister as they rushed down a few stairs.

Guards followed behind, some appearing behind them. Brenda quickly twisted, and walked across a metal beam.

"Woah!" Isadora gulped.

"Come on." Brenda encouraged.

Isadora went first, wobbling as she walked across the beam, Thomas close behind her.

They couple walked shakily across the beam as one guard followed behind them on the beam– the others going around.

"Brenda, where are we going?" Thomas asked as he stopped, watching as she climbed up to a higher beam.

"Hurry! The songs nearly over!" She shouted as she helped Isadora up.

"Thomas, Hurry!" Isadora shouted.

Thomas hurried forwards, falling onto the higher bar as the song finished– explosives going off.

Suddenly the beams began to fall down and Thomas quickly climbed up. They got to a secure floor.

They ran sliding to the right slightly as the building collapsed. They jumped, grabbing onto the rope were and elevator once was.

They slid down it, Isadora letting a yelp as she hit the floor. The threw looked up and saw building material falling down to crush them.

Thomas grabbed onto Isadora and the three of them jumped out the way. The rubble smashed into the ground, filling up the elevator.

"Holy cheeseballs." Isadora muttered, coughing as rubble dust filled the room.

A/n Brenda or Teresa?

Have a good day

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