"A piece of advise Rosalie. Don't get too caught up in Harry's theories. He's more delusional than you think." 

I walk away, letting you put together the pieces. Letting you realise that I have been watching you and Harry this whole time. 

It was a warning that I hoped would deter you. But of course you surprise me over and over again. 


At some point someone has no choice but to cut their losses and admit defeat. We are five weeks in now, Rosalie. It's been four weeks since I met you at that ridiculous bar. 

I've had my victims admit to wanting to end their lives within two weeks. Some admitted in mental asylums within one to three weeks. Some even days. Trust me, no one is as surprised as I am that you have lasted this long. 

I am sitting in a stolen car, idling by your house when Harry's mustang drives up and parks by the front porch. You run out in your faded jeans and loose light pink shirt. Your hair is a beautiful mess, barely secure in a ponytail and your face is fresh. 

There are dark circles under your eyes, evidence of the stress I've been causing you but that does not deter me from your beauty. Not in the least. 

Your parents love Harry - at least your mother does - and they let you drive off with him. For a brief wistful second I imagine myself seated in that car instead. 

You run out of your house, eager to meet me and your parents wave us off, leaving us to our fun. It is the type of relationship I have always wanted. The human part of me that never died. My longing only amplified after Arabella was stolen by the plague. 

Deep down I know this is what I have always craved but will never have. I feel a sharp pain in my palms and realise I have dug my nails into my skin, drawing blood. 

The two of you drive off into the distance and I follow close behind, careful to keep my distance. Thankfully, you don't talk so much. Your breathing slows and I think you have slept off. 

We drive into the down trodden part of the city and a small part of me sinks when I wonder what the two of you are up to again. 

The phone by my side rings suddenly and I pick it up. I wait for the person on the other side to speak, not used to receiving calls from anonymous numbers. 

"How's the stake out going?" Kayla drawls. 

I grit my teeth in vexation. Kayla only calls when it involves Lavender. "It's going great. Just another road trip."

"Lavender is wondering how your progress is coming along. She misses your company."

I know Kayla is only teasing. She knows how much I hate her sister which is probably as much as she does but her words don't stop my skin from crawling and that spike of fear that shoots up my spine. 

"I have it under control. Just want to play with my food for a little while longer." We reach a run down building that looks like an abandoned flat and you get down with Harry. I park somewhere nearby and then wait for the two of you to walk inside. 

"Are you sure? Because it seems like your food has some help on the outside." 

"Just another lost kid. He isn't a problem. Tell Lavender to stop worrying. I'll be done with her soon."

"Are you sure, Zayn? You know I'd love it if you fought back for a change. People shouldn't be dying for our greed-"

"Listen Kayla, I need to go now. Thanks for the concern but I won't be needing it." I tucked the phone under my ear and snuck into the building with lightning speed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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