Task 5: "For The Love of..."

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After studying the map of this floor, I get out of the control room and make my way towards the stairs. I keep my eyes peeled around every corner. There are now twice as many tributes in the tower as before. It doesn't make much of a difference though. I'm gonna kill whoever comes my way. I have the skills and the brains to utilize every piece of equipment that I have with me.

I hear noises as I'm approaching the door to the stairs. I find the so-called knife that I took from Conner. It's sharp enough to serve the purpose of a blitz-attack. As I get to the door, I hear someone struggling. Someone appears to be fighting on the other side of the wall. I decide to wait for the cannon before I take any chances at surprising whoever's out there. When I hear it, someone sighs in relief. I hold firmer around my knife as I decide to make my move.

Just when I hear him/her take a few steps closer towards the door, I burst through it and stab her right between the ribs, puncturing a lung of hers as she starts gasping for air and takes to her wound. She never saw it coming. I look down to identify Wynterra. I smirk coldly towards her as I let my thumb slide down the knife's edge and taste it. "Hmm, not bad..." I let out. She doesn't seem to intimidated by my entrance. She's one of the tougher ones I've heard, but I'm dead-certain going to change that.

"You might think you're not gonna let fear get to you, but the fact is, you've got a punctured lung that will take long before it eventually kills you." I start as I place the knife back in place and bring up the hammer, spinning it by the handle in my hand. "Fortunately for you, I don't have the patience to wait until that happens so I'm gonna speed up the process by crushing a few bones because face it, I can't commit a kill without a few bones being wrecked, right?" I answer with a confident grin.

In a rapid movement plunge my hammer towards her ribs on the same side that I stabbed her. She tries to fight back and she actually lands a punch in my face before rage takes over me. I grab her wrist and twist it to the point where all the ligaments completely break. I also make sure to return the very same punch, causing her to fall to the ground. "That was most unfortunate. Now that jaw is no longer tempting for me to wreck." I let out without a single tone of regret. God I love this!

She starts spitting out blood right by my feet and her body is starting to cramp from the pain and lack of oxygen, but she still refuses to beg for her life. I'm almost impressed with that. She tries to reach for something but only manages to push it down the first step of the stairs. That immediately gives me an idea that I haven't tried before. "Why don't we take a trip downwards? I have a 'friend' that I'm anxious to meet." I let out as I grab her by the uniform and hold her up before I gain momentum and throw her down the first set of stairs. She's rambling down before she hits the wall.

I slowly walk towards her to see if she's still alive or if she's dead. Bitch is still alive. I can tell that by the way she still tries to move. "I'll admit, Wynterra, the fact that you're still alive is admirable, but that's not gonna be the case down the next stairs." I let out as I pull her up again and this time swing her over the railings, making her fall down one entire floor. I almost hear the cannon just as she hits the steps below. "Wow, jeez..." I hear right away as I run down the first set of stairs before I turn my head and recognize the person standing there.

"Quite a way to gain my attention...Cyrus..." Kleone says as she looks at me with a cold grin on her face. I can sense the anger boil inside of me already. "Oh, look at little Cyrus suddenly boiling in anger..." She goes on. If it hadn't been for my plans to dominate the Games and killing Silka when I got out of here, Kleone would've been dead by now. "Oh, sorry...you go by Joint-Wrecker. You don't like it when things get personal, do you?" She goes on to test me with a cold smirk.

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