The Sister- Aaron Z

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Your walking down the street to go to your brothers house. The wind is blowing in you face making your hair go everywhere, when you get to the house you notice that the door has glass in it so you try fixing your hair. The door opens and you back away looking up.

You see a boy with dreads and beautiful brown eyes. You can't help but stare at his face but you snap out of your thoughts and ask him if Robaire is home.
"We're not doing autographs, signing or pictures right now, if you want one come to one of our concerts or go to our meet and greets." He says in a rude tone and rolls his eyes.

"Im not a fan." You say giving back the same attitude.
"Then why are you here." He ask impatiently and rubs his face in announcing.
"I'm Robaires sister." You say confidently.
"And I'm Beyoncé." He rolls his eyes and closed the door.

You stand there in shock and anger. You knock on the door and he answers again.
"Look if your his sister then call him and tell him to come down here." He leans against the the doorframe and waits for your responses.
"He won't answer me. I told him that I was here but I'm guessing he's not ready." You say looking down then back up. You see Robaire sitting on the couch watching tv and storm into the house.
"HEY YOU CAN'T JUST WALK IN HERE." Z runs after you and picks you up.

"PUT ME DOWN!!" You yell and start kicking.
"Y/n?" Robaire says getting up and running over to you and Z.
"Get this man off me!!" You try loosening Z's grip but he won't budge.
"You know her?!" Z says in a confused tone.
"Yea, that's my sister!!" Robaire says with his eyebrows raised. Z puts you down and you slap him.
"What the fuck!!" Z yells putting his hand on his face.
"Touch me again and it won't be just a slap." You say looking him in the eye with frustration written all over your face.

Robaire grabs your hand and takes you to the backyard.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Robaire says in a angry tone.
"I came to see you...." You say while your smile faded.
"Why." Robaire says looking through the back door to see if any of the other band members see you.
"Moms in the hospital." You say fiddling with your fingers.
"What about dad... has he came back." Robaire says looking down.

"No." You sit in one of the chairs they have on the back porch and put your face in the palms of your hands. Robaire sits next to you and puts his arm around you, forming a side hug. After talking for awhile you decided to stay with Robaire until your mom gets out the hospital.

You and Robaire walk into the house and Tae runs up to you and hugs you. You laugh awkwardly then see Z clench his jaw and fits looking at you and Tae. You decide to make him jealous so you hug Tae back. You pull away and ask Robaire where your room is.

"Z, show y/n where the guest bedroom is." Robaire says walking into the kitchen.
"I guess." Z starts walking and you follow. You walk up the stairs then take a left going down the hall, each door you see has a name on it. When you get to your room you turn around to ask Z where the bathroom is.

"Find it on your own." Z walks away and leaves you there speechless. You walk into the guest bedroom and lay onto the soft mattress. After looking around the room for a bit you walk back downstairs and see the band eating lunch. They had ordered pizza and there was one more slice left. You reach for it but Z grabs it and takes a bite outta it.

"Oh we're you goin g to eat that." He says sarcastically. Robaire laughs then looks at your face and stops.(just like will smith🤡💀)
"You know what it doesn't matter, I'll just order my own food." You say going to the living room. Robaire looks at Z with an annoyed face and follows you.

~When Your Food Arrived~

You didn't hear the doorbell ring cause you were in the shower so you texted Robaire to go get your food for you. You get out the shower and walk into your room to change. When you walk downstairs you see Z eating your food, you walk over to him and stare at him with your hands in fist.

"Oh hey y/n." Z says with a mouth full of your food.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" You yell and walk closer.
"This isn't for me?" Z grabs the bag and looks at it. You can't stand him anymore and you tackle him to the ground. He eventually gets you off of him and his lip is bleeding and so is your nose. He wipes his lips with his thumb and looks up at you.

"What is your problem?" You walk over to the sink and grab a paper towel and wet it a little. You try wiping the blood away but it hurts when you touch your noes, making you frustrated. Z laughs and walks over to you, he picks you up then places you on the counter.

"What are you doing." You says scooting back.
"Trying to help. Now stay still." Z says while placing his hand on your chin then tilting your head. He slowly wipes the blood and you wince in pain but making Z laugh.

"What's so funny." You say moving his hand from your nose.
"Nothing... your just cute when your mad." He says then winks. You laugh and so does he. When you stop laughing you notice that he's starring at you with a smirk on his face, he places his hand back on your chin and pulls your closer to his face. You put your hands on his neck, pulling him closer and he puts a hand on your waist, sending shivers down your spine. He kisses you and his lips are so soft, he bites your bottom lip lightly and you both laugh a little at his action.

He takes you off the counter and you wrap your legs around his waist. He slowly walks upstairs to make sure he doesn't drop you. When you get to his room he lays you in the bed and closes the door, then walks over to you.

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