The Injured Dove- Tae young Pt2

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You wake up to the sun shinning through the curtains and a cold breeze coming from the window. You rub your eyes and turn on your back, starring up at the sealing. You hear the door open and see Robaire with a plate of food.

"Sorry if it doesn't taste good, I'm not the best cook." He says laughing a little and sitting the plate on the nightstand.
"It's ok, I'm sure it's great." You say grabbing the plate and taking a bite out of the pancake. It was horrible but you didn't want to hurt his feelings.
"Mmmmm." You try to convince him that it's good but you spit it out.
"That bad." He laughs a little and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Hey if you don't mind me asking, why were you outside of Taes door last night?" He looks at you with concern and turns towards you, giving his full attention.
"He was mad at me and wouldn't talk to me. I tired telling him to open the door but he wouldn't, so I sat there and eventually fell asleep." You laugh at the end a little and sniffle your noes.

Robiare sees you fiddling with your fingers and places his hand on top of yours. You look down then at him and fell your face heating up.

"Do you wanna watch a movie, everyone else is doing something." Robaire gets up and grabs the plate waiting for your answer.
"Sure, why not." You get out of bed and run past him.

(You brush your teeth and stuff before you leave.)

You plop on the couch and sit in the middle so you can see the tv better. Robaire comes into the living room and sits next to you. His knee is touching yours but you act like it's nothing.(😏oooooo touching knee caps!!)

Y'all have been watching movies all day and have grown closer to each other. You go to the kitchen to get more snacks but the last box of popcorn is on top shelf.

"Robaire can you come get this." You try to get it again but you pushed it back even more.
"What did you need." He says walking over to you.
"I cant reach the popcorn." You say.
He try's not to laugh and grabs the popcorn and hands it to you. You put the popcorn in the microwave and stand in the kitchen waiting for it. Robaire finds a movie to watch and you come back with the popcorn.

~Time skip~

You here a knock at the door and Robaire goes to answer it. You look at the door and see both Aaron T and Z Walk through the door. They look like they just got back from the gym and Z has his headband pushed back so you can see his full face.

They wave at you and you wave back, you grab your things so that you can go home. Robaire stops you when you say bye and grabs your hand.

"Don't go yet, we haven't finished the movie." He gives you puppy eyes and you can't help but laugh. He pulls you back into the house and y'all sit back down. You fall asleep on his shoulder after a couple hours and he takes you up to the guest bedroom.

He lays you down on the bed and starts to walk away but you reach out and grab his hand.
"Can you stay.... Please." You can't see him really cause your eyes are heavy but you slitty see his green eyes shine from the light coming through the curtains.
"Are you sure?" He walks more closer and stares into your y/e/c eyes.
You shake your head yes and he walks to the other side and and lays on the bed. He turns to where he's facing you and puts a piece of hair behind your ear. You lean a little closer and softly peck his lips before drifting off into a deep sleep.

~Next Morning~

You wake up but don't see Robaire, you get out of bed and brush you teeth then take a shower. You change into some clothes you found in the closet then go downstairs. Your walking out the room then bump into Tae.

"What are you doing here?!" Tae says.
"I spent the night. But I'm leaving." You start walking down the stares but he follows you all the way to the door.
"Wait... I'm sorry." Tae says looking down then back at you.
You stop walking and turn around to face him.
"Sorry for what. For humiliating me in front of that waitress, or are you sorry for not talking to me for 2 days, or are you sorry for leaving me outside of your room to the point where I fall asleep." Your vision gets blurry from the tears now forming in your eyes and they slowly fall down your face.

"I'm sorry for all of it. I should have never done that to you. I understand if you don't want to talk to me again but could we at least still be friends?" Tae says hold his hand out.

"Tae you really hurt me, I don't know if I want to be friends with someone that would do that to me." You look at him and try holding back you tears.
"I completely understand." Tae looks down and starts walking to the house.

Aaron t then pulls up in the drive way and sticks his head out the window.
"Need a ride home?" He laughs and so do you. You walk to the car and get in.

Your almost home when it starts raining. You get to your apartment and Aaron give you one of his hoddies. He walks you to your door and you both soaked. You ask him if he wasn't an umbrella and he says yes. You run into your room and grab him one, you watch him as he's trying to quickly get back to his car. He waves and drives off.

You forgot that you were wearing his hoddie and a paper falls out, you look at it and it has his number on it.

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