Basketball Practice- Aaron Z

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"How much are the tickets again!" You ask in shock not believing how much they are.
"200 each." Your friend says while looking down.
"How are we going to get 400 dollars in only a week!?" You throw your hands in the air and put them on your hips.
"I don't know." Your friend sits on your bed and places her head in her palm.
"This is the only time we'll be able to see them, and we can't even go." You sit next to her and lay on the bed with your hands on your face.

~The Next Day~

You walk through the school and go to your locker. You had one more class and it was athletics. You make your way to the locker room and change into your workout clothes. Your coach tells y'all that we have a special guess coming to help with practice. Right when she done talking the doors open to the gym and you can't believe what you see.

Aaron Z!!

You feel like your about to pass out when he walks past you and stands next to your coach. He looks around at all the girls but stops in his tracks when he makes eye contact with you.

Your heart is beating so fast that your breathing is out of control. You look down and so does he.

"So Aaron would you like to tell the girls why you're here." Your coach says grinning and taking a step back.
"Today we are going to do a one on one game. Each of y'all are going to be paired up with a partner, and who ever wins plays the other person that won from another group. Who ever is the final winner will get 2 free tickets to our concert and backstage passes to meet the band."

All the girls start screaming and jumping while you stand there in shock. You then feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around and can't believe your eyes. It's Aaron.

"You excited?! Your coach told me that your the best one on the team. That true?" He crosses his arms and looks you in the eye.
"Uhhh... Yea. Yea, I love the sport." Your voice cracks and you feel a flow of embarrassment wash over you.
"Well I hope to see you at the concert." He winks then laughs and walks away.

You make your way through the completion and you're in the semi-finals. You have 3 seconds left and you make a 3 right when the buzzer goes off. You jump in excitement and run around the gym while your teammates congratulate you. You come back to your teammate and tell her good game and that she did amazing.

Aaron comes up to you and hands you the passes. You squeal and hug him but right when you do you pull away and apologize.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I was just excited an-" you get cut off by him hugging you.
"I'm so proud of you!!" He hugs back and you can't believe what's happening. He smells amazing and his hugs are so warm and cozy. You hug back then pull away, and your team surrounds you while your team ask you to take them to the concert.

~2 Days Before The Concert~

You go to the gym and to the basketball court to practice. When you walk in you see Aaron playing and working on his shots. He misses one of them and groans.
"Damnnn I thought you were better." You say sarcastically and laugh. He laughs too and walks over to you while you sit your bag down.

"I didn't know that you came here." You say as you get your basketball out your bag.
"Yea I like it here, it's more private ." He looks at your basketball and tilts his head.
"Nice basketball." He looks at you then at the ball and grabs it.
"Give me my ball back." You try to reach for it but he moves back.
"How about I give it back if you win a 1 on 1 with me, and if I win.... I get to take you out." He walks closer and stand really close to you

"First one to 5 wins." He says with a smirk on his face.
"Ok." You accept the challenge and walk over to your bag and take your jacket off revealing your sports bra. You turn around and he looks at you then looks down and blushes a little.

"Ready to lose." You say grabbing your ball and dribbling it.
"Are you." Aaron walks up to guard you and you run past him going in for a layup.
He runs and smacks the ball out your hand.
You stand there as he grabs the ball and makes a 3.
"Didn't think I was gonna go easy on you right?!?" He chuckles and walks towards you.
"No, and I'm not going easy on you either." You watch him as he's about to shoot, then you grab the ball and go around him then fake the shot and then shoot it.

You guys are now tied and who ever makes this finally shot wins.
"Hold up, one sec. He takes his shirt off and you stop dribbling. He walks over to his bag and sits his shirt in there and walks back to you.

"You good?" He ask knowing that your staring.
"Shut up." You start dribbling and you go to fake it but he's watching you like a hawk and doesn't move. He grabs the ball and starts running and you do too. You run and block the ball but you bump into him and y'all fall to the ground. He lands on his ankle and he crys out in pain.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" You start panicking and start tearing up.

"Hey! Hey! I'm good." he starts laughing and you turn and look at him with anger.

You get up and walk to your bag mad but get pulled back into a passionate kiss with the most softest, lips you've ever felt. Your heart is beating fast and your breathing is uncontrollable, your hands go to his neck and pull him in more, making the kiss deeper. His hands pull you in by your waist so that there's no more space in between you to.

You pull away not knowing what you were going to say.

"I have to go. I'll see you at the concert." You laugh and grab your bag.

"Ok, see you there." He watches you walk away and exit the door.

~Day Of The Concert~

You and your friend are now at the concert and its about to start. Everybody's cheering and screaming and the count down starts. The boys come out of the cages and start singing. You see Aaron and move more towards him. Your friend is screaming when you get lifted up into the air and he's singing, almost like it was to you.

You feel like you're about to faint when you feel him touch your hand, and you stare into his brown eyes. The show was amazing and you and your friend head backstage to meet the group. You knock on the door and Robaire answers.

Y'all talk and laugh and have a great time. It feels like y'all have know each other your whole life but soon they have to leave and right when your about to leave Aaron Z stops you.

"Hey! I was wondering.. you know... if I can... so that we.." He stumbles over his words and he's obviously nervous.
"Yes you can have my number." You laugh and exchange phones.
"It was nice meeting you, will I ever see you again?!" You put your phone in your pocket and hope that he says....

"Definitely." He walks back to his room and you both look back seeing each other one last time until you meet again.

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