Ceramics with the artist - Jesse

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You walk into the building and see paintings everywhere but only one piece catches your eye. You don't know what it was about it but it's like you were drawn to it. You feel a tap on your shoulder and you turn around to see a lady.

"Did you make this?" The lady gestures towards the art piece.
"Oh.. no but-" you get cut off by a tall figure behind you with a deep voice.
"No, it's actually mine." He says proudly.
You turn around and can't believe who's in-front of you. He was so handsome that it was mesmerizing. It's like you couldn't look away, the way his eyes are perfectly round, the way his noes curves at the end, the way his hair falls so in place and how his eyebrows are SO perfect, but his lips are even more perfect.

"I love your art, it's amazing! Do you know where this room is?" You show him the paper.
"Yea Im heading there right now, you can walk with me if you want." He gestures his way and you follow.
You walk into a room full of people, clay and machines. You lit up when it all sinks in.

"Have you always wanted to be an artist." You say as he sits down in his spot and turns on his potters wheel.

"Yea, but I really like singing." He clears his throat and gets up to get some clay. You didn't realize that the clay was behind you and he comes close to you, so close that your bodies touch. His face is so close to yours that you lips are just inches away from each other. He grabs the bag and backs away.

You grab some clay and sit at the machine next to him. You wet the base and put the clay on there. You try to form it but it's going horribly.
"Uhhhhh." Your voice is shaky and has a confused tone to it.

"Do you need help?" He laughs and gets up. He sits behind you and scoots closer to you. His chest is on your back and you can feel his heart beating from his chest.
He puts his arms in front of you and intertwines his fingers with yours.(I've always wanted to do thissss!!!😭😭)

Your now following his hands and shaping the clay.
"You ok?" He says in a worried tone.
"Mmhm." Your so nervous that you can't get words out.
"Just relax." His voice soothes you and calms you down. Your about to finish the base of it and he moves your hands up and down. He then presse in the middle of the clay and makes a hole.

"What do you wanna do?" He whispers in your ear, sending chills down your spine.
"Huh?" You whisper turning your head a little to face him.
"What do you wanna make." He pulls your hands off and grabs more water and puts it on the wheel. He grabs your hands and puts them back on the clay.

"I wanna make a vase." You mange to get out.
"Ok." He moves your hands in sink with his and shapes the vase. When your done he turns the machine off.
"You ready. We're gonna move it to the table over there so it can dry." He says still holding your hands.

"Yea I'm ready." You both stand up at the same time and pick up the vase. Your walking to the table and your almost there when you trip on a cord that was connected to the machine. You fall which causes the vases to do the same. You fall on top of it and hit your head on the ground.


You wake up in a room with posters and paintings everywhere. There's some tea and food on the dresser with a note next to it.

"It says : You hit your head pretty hard and we're unconscious, so I brought you to my house. Help yourself to some food.


You drink some of the tea and see clothes laid out at the end of the bed. You start to change into the clothes then the door opens.

"Hey you u-" he stands there in shock of when he sees you.
"GET OUTT!!" You cover yourself up and close the door.
"SORRY!!" He yells going downstairs. Once your done you go downstairs and your wearing a big tee with some shorts. You see him in the kitchen making coffee and you walk up to him and he stares at you.

"I'm sorry, I though you were still gonna be sleep." He says looking down.
"It's ok, I should have came downstairs anyways to let you know." You say laughing and stare in at his facial features.
"We'll I was thinking that I could introduction you to my friends aka the band." He grabs your hand and takes you to the living room.

When you walk in you see the boys playing video games.

"Hey, guys I want you to meet someone." Jesse says excitingly.
"Hi!" You say nervously, as they all stare at you.
"Hey, I'm Aaron T." He winks at you and you feel Jesse squeeze your hand.
"Hi, I'm Tae, nice to meet you." He touches your shoulder and walks away.
"Hi, I'm Aaron Z, you single." He looks at Jesse then back at you. Robaire then comes and pushes Z out the way to introduces himself.
"Last but not least Robaireee." He laughs and looks at you with a smirk on his face.

"We'll I think that's enough introducing for today so-" Jesse says but then gets cut off by Robaire.
"What! No way, she should come play games with us." Robaire says making eye contact with you.
"I wouldn't mind playing, I'm bored anyways." You say then Robaire grabs your hand takes you to the living room and brings you to the couch but there's only one seat left.
"We'll there's only one seat left so where is she going to sit." Jesse says while looking at Robaire.

"She can sit right here." Robaire then sits down and pulls you onto his lap. You feel your face heat up and your heat skip a beat.
You look at Jesse and he has his hands in fist. Robaire hands you a controller and shows you how to play the game. Robaire has his hands on top of yours while teaching you how to play.

"Got it?" Robaire says taking his hands off yours and grabbing his own controller.
"Yea." You look at the screen and you start playing the game.


You just got done eating but can't find Jesse. You go to his room and knock on the door and there's no answer.

"Hey Jesse, you in her-" You open the door and stand there in shock. You see him making out with some random girl, and tears flow down your face. You slam the door but hear it open again and Jesse running after you.

You walk up to Robaire and put your arms around him. You kiss him and he kisses back. He puts his hands on your waist and pulls you closer to his body.

Jesse looks at y'all and walks out the house.

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