Welcome Home, Good Hunter

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Jaune POV

Vale City- Random Hotel

Its been a few hours since everything happened, I still can't believe it.

Jaune: "Cardin.... I swear if I ever get my hands on you again." The mere thought of him leaking my fake transcripts to his dad.... I was getting a migraine. "Well, I need to look on the bright side I guess. I'm alive... im not broke... and I at least know my old team will be there for me."  I looked at my scroll and saw the notifications.

'26 Missed Calls'

'49 New Messages'

Jaune: "Well, it's not much they can do... I guess I'll get some sleep and then figure something out in the morning."

As he laid down the exhaustion and fatigue of the day hit him.  He suddenly was greeted by a bright light.

3rd POV


Jaune: "What?.... where-"

???: "There you are my great grandson."  Jaune looked over to see an elderly man sitting in a wheelchair. "I understand your confusion. But I assure you it will be explained."

Jaune affixed his eyes to the elderly man, once he got a good look at his face he realized who it was

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Jaune affixed his eyes to the elderly man, once he got a good look at his face he realized who it was.

Jaune: "Great Grandfather Gerhman.... if you are here does that me-  OH OUM IM DEAD?"

With that Gehrman started hysterically laughing.

Gehrman: "No boy, you aren't dead." He rolls his wheelchair over to him "This is in a sense a dream... tell me, what do you know of our family... our true nature?"

Jaune: "True nature? I was only told we were heroes, warriors."

Gerhman: "Curse my son and his son... hiding thr truth from you, of course things would go awry like this."  Slowly he got up from his chair. Jaune being the kind natured man he is moved to help him but is surprised to see him get up and stand straight. "Our family.. the Arc line were hunters. Not the same as those candy asses that wander for glory and power."  A small gleam of light appears in his right hand, revealing a scythe.  "We hunt for those that cannot.  We become the nightmare that corrupted fear." In his left hand another light flared,  a pistol appeared. "We hunt Grimm, and the corrupted. We are hunters."

Jaune looked in awe, he never knew about his history for the family line, to be told he was from this line of fighters and it was hidden from him... he was beside himself.

Jaune: "But why would they hide this from me? Why would they keep me from this?!"

Gerhman: "They feared for the well being of the offspring, understandable, but foolish.   The world is not kind, and by teaching weakness you will gain only weakness."  He swung his scythe, the flowers in the area wilting after losing their heads. "Even if they declare you not worthy of the name... you are, in my eyes, a true Arc."  Jaune looked up, his eyes in disbelief.  "A man who would risk himself to protect others, who would give up all he held dear in order to fight for those who couldn't. You my great grandson.. and a true Arc."

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