21 | Open Wounds

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Thomas' car turns the corner.

These past few weeks with Thomas have been nothing but a fantasy. Although last night he had duties to attend too, it still feels like every day is like we've just met for the first time. Each touch sends tingles through my nerves like shockwaves. Each conversation feels like a breath of fresh morning air. And those blue eyes... I lose myself in him. He doesn't realize how much of masterpiece he is, because his mind is always elsewhere.

I open the car door. The blue eyes that meet mine do not belong to Thomas.

Instead, Levi sits there with a cigarette sticking between his lips, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. He has the same mannerisms as his brother-not that I'd ever point out the observation out loud, unless I want to tease Thomas.

Levi glances at me and bursts into a wide grin. "Why do you look so fucking disappointed?"

"Where's Thomas?"

He shrugs. "He had a bit of a rough night."

Rough night doesn't seem to be in Thomas' dictionary. That I know. Last night, he was supposed to be on some endeavors for his so-called 'business', a feat that didn't require me as a seductress. I'll admit: I was disappointed. I haven't had a task since the space gala at Cato's estate. These late night missions are an excuse he makes often in the evenings, so it's not out of the ordinary for me to be spending the nights alone.

What is out of place is the fact that Levi is sitting in the driver's seat, not Thomas.

"How so?" I ask, wondering about what happened last night.

"Dunno, but he trusted me enough to pick you up," By that smug look on his face, I know he's just refusing to tell me where Thomas is, and what made him send Levi instead. He rolls down his window and tosses the cigarette butt out. "Now can you hurry up and get in?"

I slip inside the car, buckling up and refusing to give Levi the satisfaction of a glance. I want Thomas, and I feel like a child for stating it that way. Maybe these last few weeks have made me so dependant on him that it's transforming me into this helpless, needy girl.

I can feel the pulse of Levi's stare on me as he drives.

"Can you focus on the road?" I sheepishly mutter.

"I am." He's not, "but I'm just trying to figure out what my brother's so fucking concerned about with you."

"He's concerned about me?"

Levi laughs. "The rules he gave me about driving you fifteen minutes down the fucking street became a whole damn lecture."

I blush at the image of Thomas scolding his brother about being the one to collect me from the Leveque's. I can't tell if Thomas or Levi is more bull-headed, but the gene certainly runs in the family.

"What did he say? In the lecture?"

"Something about how 'no smoking in the car'," he mutters. I guess that's why he tossed the cigarette out the window when I got in. "And that I can't ask about your sex life, or make him seem like he's a piece of shit that's unworthy of you. He also told me not to bring up the whole 'daffodil' nickname thing—apparently, he's the only one that can call you that?"

I laugh. "Were you really going to prod that much?"

He shrugs. "Not that I need to know about his sex life. I can hear it through the ceiling. And he is a piece of shit unworthy of you, but I guess that's not my opinion to make."

"Are you and Thomas close?"

"We were," he answers honestly. "I mean—we are. Things kind of got fucked up for us, and he may be a pain in my ass, but in the end I'd still take a bullet for the guy. I know he'd do the same."

𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍 | 𝟏𝟖+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora