35 | The Observatory

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Cato and I have finally set boundaries. He respects my desire for space, for time to think 'us' through. Yet, we manage to never give 'us' a break. Instead, we build the idea of 'us' into a relationship that flows in unison. It's as if we never skipped a beat since he left for the academy.

Our interactions only increase as weeks go by. Instead of crossing by chance in the corridors, he begins visiting my bedroom in the night hours.

I let him in, but he's hardly coming to ease his lonely soul.

He brings in anything and everything to show to me: textbooks, star charts, business plans, boundless amounts of scientific articles—I can hardly keep track of this man's brain. Yet, I'm in awe of his brilliance.

Our nighttime visits overlap with evening chats in his study. I sit next to him as he works, and it soon becomes clear that he works through formulas and equations better out loud rather than in his head. Of course, I understand minimal arithmetic and science, but Cato hardly minds. My presence is enough.

Tonight, we scroll through images of the great beyond on his digital journal. Supernovas and nebulas illuminate the glass screen. He memorizes every detail—it's like every inch of the image means something new.

I lean my head on his shoulder as he speaks about his explorations, his low voice causing his body to vibrate. These past few weeks have only mended our strained friendship.

It's long past midnight when the digital journal suddenly dies from a dead battery. "Shit," he mutters.

I keep my cheek nestled into his shoulder as he tosses the tablet onto the table. He tilts his head downward, smiling against my crown as he strokes blonde strands away from my face.

"Can you stay awake?" he whispers into my hair.

I smile at the low warm tone of his voice. "And why's that?"

"There's a meteor shower tonight," he murmurs against me. I feel every movement of his lips. "I was planning on watching it alone, but I want you to join me."

"Is that an order, or are you asking me?" I question wryly.

He chuckles. "Say yes, Maureen. You can fall asleep later."

I don't hesitate to speak from my heart: "Yes."

Cato stands up and pulls me away from his desk. We sneak down the corridors, his eyes dancing around in case any servants catch us. We're like two teenagers trying to hide from one another's parents, but who do we run from? This is Cato's estate. If he wishes to sneak me around in evening hours, then he has all authority to do so.

Yet, the thrill of it ignites a part of me that lay dormant for so long.

We stand in front of a doorway as he fumbles with his keys. I still recognize the one on his keychain that opens the door to my old bedroom.

"Nobody will know we're in here," he whispers as the door clicks open. "Probably because it's the one space on the entire estate that's off limits."

Inside remains dark, presumably pitch black. When my eyes adjust to the lighting, I notice an open roof, as light moonbeams pour through the crack. The light contours a large telescope angled towards the stars. Here, without the distraction of city lights, the stars shine brighter than anything I've known.

And I believe I've finally arrived in the world Cato belongs in.

I hardly hear him shut the door. "Well? What do you think?"

"What is this place?"

"My observatory," his warm body grazes my arm, and I soon feel his fingers toying with my knuckles.

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