8 | The Invitation

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Thomas leads me into the same building he brought me into last night, only now we don't hide up in his apartment. We stay on the bottom floor, at the bar, and take a seat at one of the tables. Nobody gathers here at this early hour; it's not even noon yet.

There's a man cleaning the tables when we enter: the bartender from last night. He's shorter than Thomas, but equally as buff and menacing. A set of tattoos crawls up his neck, ending at the stubble of his recently shaved head.

"This the floor cleaner?" he asks.

"She's not cleaning the floors, Vince."

Vince frowns. "Someday I'll convince you to hire me one."

A low laugh leaves Thomas' lips. "When some fucker desperate enough stumbles in here by accident needing a job, then I'll think about it."

Considering I just quit my job cleaning floors at the hospital, I might be the desperate fool they need.

Thomas pulls out a chair at one of the tables for me, gesturing for me to take a seat. He sits across from me, his blue eyes blazing as he analyzes me. He's trying to be subtle about it. Not that he is.

He flashes a seductive smile. "I thought I'd have to put a hell of a lot more effort into convincing you to come back here."

I never told Thomas that I agreed to work for him just yet, but perhaps being a seductress won't be so bad?

This is exactly what you said you wouldn't do, that small voice in my head scolds. Yet, that triple pay Thomas promises sounds as delectable as chocolate.

I keep my voice playful. "You just don't know how to give up, do you?"

"You'll learn soon enough that I get what I want."

"And what's that?"

His blue eyes tell all. "You already know, daffodil." Me.

I blush. "I'm afraid I'm not qualified for what you're asking of me."

"Congratulations. You checked all the boxes," he smirks. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be."

"I find it rude that you don't accept 'no' for an answer."

"You just quit your job, daffodil," he taps his fingers against the table. "Even I know that you can't ignore my offer. Where else are you going to find a better paying job?"

"I can sweet talk Evelyn."

"How's that been working out for you? I bet she's just handing over all of Leveque Corp to you by now, isn't she?"

Smug bastard. "If I am to be a seductress for you, we need to cover some rules."

"Okay, rule number one, we eat. No negotiating on an empty stomach."

Almost if on cue, Vince swings by our table and sets down to sandwiches—not that we asked. Did we even order? This is just a bar, isn't it?

I fiddle with the bandages on my fingers to avoid looking at either of the two men. The bandages remain unclean since yesterday. There was just never the time... or the care. Perhaps my knuckles will start to heal now that I'm done with cleaning floors.

"I um... I can't pay for that."

A beat passes through the room. Then the men erupt into laughter.

Thomas sets his hand over my restless fingers. His callouses soothe me like sandpaper. "You never have to pay for a damn thing under my roof."

Oh bloody hell, he's dreamy.

Flustered, I avoid looking at anything in the room, choosing to focus on my shoes. My worn, dirtied shoes.

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