12 | Preparations

384 41 12

The gala.

I dreaded the thought of today arriving, because I know I'll be way out of my element. It's not like I'm unfamiliar with the mannerisms of the rich, I just never thought I'd have to act like them myself. I'll be so out of my comfort, so awkward amidst a sea of hoity-toity professionals.

Fortunately, I'm not alone for the night. Thomas will be by my side for most of it. Well, until it comes time for me to do my job and seduce Cato.

In an hour, Thomas will be parked at the gates waiting for me to spring into his car to get ready for the night. I cross my fingers, praying to the stars that Evelyn won't add more tasks and chores to my already daunting list. I try to sneak to my bedroom so Evelyn can't assign me more, but my luck seems to be on the wrong side today.

Evelyn catches me in the corridor. She dresses extravagantly in peacock features and blue rhinestones. The powder on her face brings out the vivid green of her eyes, and her lips are painted a deep royal purple. The attire needed for an extravagant event like this is more over-the-top than weddings. Although Cato's message about his discoveries is the main highlight, the esteemed gala also gives designers a chance to unleash their creativity.

Unfortunately, I don't understand fashion trends, because seeing Evelyn dressed like this is utterly terrifying.

I wonder if I'll look terrifying like that.

"Maureen! Don't be thinking you're finished so soon. There's one more favour I need you to do before you go hide in your room."

Bloody hell. My faux smile strains against my lips. "What is it you ask for?"

"You know that Audwin and I will be gone for the evening for Cato's speech at the annual Beaulieu Space Gala. Go inform the other girls to take the night off. Enjoy yourselves, but not too much!"

Relief rushes through me at the task. It's easy. "Of course, but may I ask when you plan to depart?"

"In a few minutes, but it could take hours if Audwin doesn't speed his ass up."

I smile and whisk myself down the hallways. I have the night off. It's rare that Evelyn's ever this generous, but hearing Cato speak about his expeditions in space sends her to the moon and back with joy. Fortunately for their absence, neither Audwin or Evelyn will know I'm gone.

Unless, you know, they recognize me at the gala all dolled up to the nines. Thomas guarantees that Cato will notice me, but he is aware that Cato's parents—two of the few people who have known me for my entire life—will be in attendance?

I'm not certain how I'll avoid them yet, but I guess Thomas and I have time to discuss it prior to the gala.

Annie mops the floors in the empty kitchen when I find her. Augustine has long gone, and the dishes have been placed back on the shelves. All that remains is the crumbs and spills on the floor, to which Annie cleans.

She beams when she sees me, then proceeds to dip the saturated mop back in the bucket "Well, if it isn't Maureen Harradan," she jives. "You finished awfully quick."

"I need to ask you for a favour."

Annie quirks her brow. "What is it?"

"Two things, actually. Can you tell everyone that they can take the night off? Evelyn's orders."

Annie drops the mop and twirls around on the wet floors, nearly slipping off her feet from the excitement. "Gosh, Maureen! You could've told me that sooner!"

"Also, I need to leave the property tonight and I won't come back until later, so if Audwin and Evelyn return and notice my disappearance, can you cover for me?"

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