When he said that, I got to work immediately. I smoked the fish I made beforehand to give it a fried and smokey flavor. Then, I worked on the eggs. I poached them to keep the flavor of the raw egg intact, but cooked it a little to make it slightly more flavorful than it already was.

For the kids, I simply did scrambled eggs, but I used quail eggs to add to the bacon. I seasoned it with pepper to give it some flavor, but no salt because the bacon is naturally salty, so I was able to make 200 trays of the adults and 200 for the kids each.

Erina looked over and saw that I worked for the kids first as I did for the adults together.

Judge 1: これは何ですか? (What's this?)

Y/N: マイアム、私は焼き魚と密猟卵を飾りにするために焼き卵を作りました。 それは大人のためのものです、子供たちのために、私はあなたの古典的なスクランブルエッグを現代のねじれで作りました。 ねじれは、成長するときあなたのいつものスクランブル卵よりも優れた味を良くするために、私がいくつかのニンニクといくつかの黒いコショウを追加したことです。 お楽しみください! (Ma'am, I made grilled fish and a poached egg as a garnish to help improve the flavor. That's for the adults, for the kids, I made your classic scrambled eggs with a modern twist. The twist is that I added some garlic and some black pepper to make it taste better than your usual scrambled eggs when growing up. Enjoy!)

The two service women grabbed a small plate, took a bite and they wanted to collapse!

Judge 2: 私は子供のために例外を上げます、しかしあなたの大人の料理、それはaを得る! (I'll make an exception for the kids, but your adult dish, it gets an A!)

I cannot believe it! My food was approved and it brought the three old timers coming and trying the eggs! Even weirdly, one of them asked me to marry his GRANDDAUGHTER and I'm not talking about Grandmaster Nakiri I'm talking about one of these guys!

Y/N: すみません、私は撮った。 (I'm sorry, but I've been taken.)

Man 1: 誰に? (By who?)

Erina: 彼女の。 (Her.)

I've pointed at Erina and they were shocked.

Y/N: 私はその申し出に感謝しますが、私はそれがうまくいくとは思わない。 (I appreciate the offer, but I don't think it would work out.)

Man 1: わかりました。 これはとても良い料理でした。 あなたは渡します。 (Okay. This was a very good dish though. You pass.)

Soon after thirty minutes, my 200 dishes were done.

Gin: あなたの名前の姓、あなたは完成しています。 あなたはあなたの駅を掃除するかもしれません!(Y/N L/N, you are complete. You may clean your station!)

I started cleaning my station, but as I did, I looked over to Souma and he only sent out TEN dishes. He's failing! I had to run over after cleaning my kitchen.

Erina: 相馬ゆきひこ、それはあなたがそれを手に入れるようです。 ビュッフェのために、外観と風味の保持よりも重要なことは何もありません。 簡単に言えば、あなたはこの挑戦のために絶対的な最悪の皿を作ります。 私たちがさようならを言うところであることがわかります。 時間がなくなるまで、私たちの信じられないほどの創造を見つめてください。 (Soma Yukihira, it seems you get it. For buffet, nothing is more important than appearance and flavor retention. Simply, you make the absolute worst dish for this challenge. I see that this is where we say goodbye. Feel free to gaze at our incredible creation until the time runs out.)

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