Chapter Three

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Author's note;   Once again, I'm sorry for the prolonged update. I'm caught up in a horrific nightshift schedule. But without further ado, next chapter!!!

A short time later, the two of them made it to the theater.

Porsha stopped just outside the theater entrance, marveling at the beautiful architecture.

Buster came up beside her, "Well," he put his hands on his hips, "What do you think?" He spoke with pride in his voice. Buster always found great pride and joy in looking at his theater, thinking back on all it's been through.

"I love it!" Porsha yelled excitedly, "I can't wait to see the inside!"

Buster walked ahead, "Well, come on then. There are plenty of people that want to see you as well."

As she walked behind him, she started to feel a little anxious about meeting the others. They didn't really hit it off the last time they met. In fact, they all only got along for a hand full of hours just before the show. The bus ride back wasn't too eventful either, with only a few words being swapped between her, Moon, and Ms. Crawly.

She got lost in her thoughts as Buster was giving her the tour around the theater, 'There's something off-putting about that old lizard, but she was the only one that didn't really give up on me.' She stopped for a moment and laughed under her breath, "Rise and shine, sweetheart." she whispered as she continued to follow an oblivious koala, 'Wow, this theater must mean a lot to him. He gets lost in every detail that we pass.'

~ Sometime Later~

Buster came to a stop, "And this is the stage. The best view in the house is always looking back."

Porsha was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't even realize that they had made a complete tour from the lobby to the stage that lasted at least twenty minutes.

She tilted her head, 'Did we just take twenty minutes to walk from the front door to the stage?' She looked back at the koala, who was puffed up with pride, 'Did he talk the whole time?'

Her eyes widened as she looked back the way they came, 'wait a minute... How did Ms. Crawly drive that lift thingy over to my window?! She would have had to go through the garden...' She tilted her head and threw her ears back, her eyes narrowing slightly, 'How did that old lizard get past daddy's security...'

"So..." Buster interrupted her thoughts, "Any questions?" His voice was full of joy. He obviously loved talking about his theater.

She quickly snapped her attention back to Buster, portraying an awkward smile and lifting her ears, "Nope, I think you covered everything..."

"Great!" Buster said with glee, "Come on, let me show you backstage. The whole crew is back there right now rehearsing."

"Great..." Porsha trailed off as she dreaded the next hour or so of possible social interactions she was about to have, 'I hope they don't think I'm still that spoiled brat that threw a child's tantrum.'

Buster peaked threw the curtain and saw the crew, "Guys!" He shouted, "I have a surprise!"

This got everyone's attention as Buster parted the stage curtain to reveal himself and Porsha, "Tada!" Buster shouted.

The crew and actors all looked at Porsha, some knowing who she was and others not so much.

Buster stepped aside and gestured to Porsha, "This is Porsha! She was our talented alien in our Sifi show."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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