Chapter Two

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Once at the bottom of the stairs, her nose was filled with the fresh scent of bacon. Turning the corner, she saw a small breakfast buffet with various morning foods, including biscuits, eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, toast, and bagles. On the counter sitting out was also a carton of orange juice, milk, and juice. 'Oh wow..' She thought as she stood in the doorway to the kitchen, taking it all in, 'He went all out.' Her eyes shot over to the sink and countertop, where there were quite a bit of dirty dishes and pans, just enough evidence to prove he did cook and bake everything.

"You did all this?" Her words were quiet as she slowly walked into the kitchen over to the table.

"Yeah!" His cheerful voice filled Porsha's ears as he continued to make last-minute preparations, "Breakfast is the most important part of the day, you know."

"Yeah.." She trailed off, staring at him. 'There's no way this is part of his normal routine. He's so little, and it doesn't look like he would eat more than a morsel of food a week.'

"Well." Buster threw the dishtowel over his shoulder and took a seat, "Let's dig in."

Remaining silent, Porsha took a seat. As she fixed a small plate, her mind began to wonder, 'He did all this himself?' She thought as she remembers nothing but takeout and dine-in growing up. From coffee shops to restaurants, as far back as she can remember. There was never any food in their house, and they always went out to eat.

"Porsha.." Buster snapped her out of her train of thought, "Is everything okay?"

She looked back up at him, "Oh yeah.." She whispered, "I'm fine."

"I can make something else if you like, or we can grab something out in town if you want." He said as he looked at the small plate she fixed, missing only a few bites.

"No, no. It's fine.." She spoke up a bit, feeling a little bad to make him think his efforts were in vain, "I just.."

Buster set his coffee down and looked into her eyes across the table, concern slightly showing on his face, "Are you okay?"

She met his gaze, seeing the concern in his eyes, 'He looks genuinely concerned.' She thought, "Why did you make breakfast?"

Buster tilted his head for a split second, then swallowed, "Well, breakfast is the most important part of the day." He explained, "You have to start the day with enough nutrients for your body to give yourself enough energy."

Porsha looked back at the now clean dishes buster washed a few minutes ago, then back at him, "I mean, why didn't you just go out and get food?" She questioned, "Wouldn't it be easier and faster to pick some up or get it in route?"

"Oh.." Buster looked at his food to gather his thoughts, then looked back at her, "It's been a goal for me that I carried throughout my life."

Now Porsha tilted her head and perked her ears, "Making breakfast is a goal?"

"Well..." Buster rubbed the back of his neck, "It's like making my bed every morning."

She stared at the koala, curiosity growing in her expression.

He cleared his throat, "If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task. And another. And another. And by the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed." Buster let out a small sigh as to catch his breath from the emotion she sensed coming from him, "Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that the little things in life matter. If you can't do the little things right, you'll never be able to do the big things right. And if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made..." Buster paused for a second, looking down at his food, "That you made. And a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better."

Porsha looked back at her food, trying not to stare at him. She could feel a significant amount of hurt coming from him. Hearing his voice quiver made her heart ache for him, 'Wow, Porsha, maybe you should have let that question go.' She thought to herself as she wondered why he got emotional, "This breakfast is amazing." She softly spoke as she picked up a piece of toast, "Thank you."

Buster looked back at her, regaining his composure, "You're most certainly welcome, Porsha."

The rest of breakfast went by with some small talk. Buster had invited her to go with him to the theater after breakfast to get ready for tonight's show, and she accepted.

After breakfast, Porsha made her way back up to her room. She went to her closet to grab a jacket. "Let's see, what to wear..." She asked herself, "Ah, this one for sure, picking her signature jacket. She started to slide her arms through it when she rotated to see her bed unmade. "Hum." Sliding her jacket on, she made her way over to her bed, "Alright, Porsha, your first task of the day is to make your bed."

Having never made her bed before in her life, it took her a little longer than she expected and didn't quite look the same way it did before. The maids defiantly did a better job than her, "I'll have to work on that..." She whispered to herself as she looked at her bed with her arms crossed and head tilted.

"Are you ready to go, Porsha?" Buster's voice called out from behind her door.

"Yeah." She called as she walked out of her room and headed downstairs to meet up with him.

"Alright." Buster started, "With it being such a nice day, I figured we could walk to the theater. It's only a few minutes away if that's alright."

She nodded with excitement, "I love walking and exploring new places! I've never really had the chance to leave Red Shore City, to be honest, though."

"Red Shore City is a huge place, though." As they started their commute, Buster mentioned, "There must have been a lot to explore over there."

"Trust me, you'd be surprised to find out how small it is." she said as they stopped at the crosswalk, waiting for the light to allow them to cross, "It feels pretty empty when you don't have anyone to..." She trailed off as she thought about the rest of her sentence, not wanting to say it before Buster.

Buster looked back at her, placing his hand below her knee to show support.

Porsha looked down at the koala, trying to comfort her, "Anywho, the shopping is great there. Yeah. But they stopped making new stores for a while, and yeah. Red Shore didn't have anyone to make more store." Her sentence was a little awkward, but she managed to get it out, trying to cover up the sentence she was going to say.

"Hey." She called, "The crosswalk light is green" She started to walk off with Buster in tow.

Author Note; I'll try and make the Chapters longer so there will be fewer advertisement interruptions in the future. I hope you all are doing well!

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