Chapter 14: Goodbye Y/n

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Y/n POV-

Today is the day Lizzie leaves to go film her new movie. I know she's going to only be gone for a month but to me, that feels like forever. I'm going to miss her so much.

"So, I guess this is where we part." I say to Lizzie as we stand in the airport in front of her gate.

"I guess so. Im going to miss you so much y/n," she tells me as the tears start to form in her eyes.

"Im going to miss you too Liz. I'll see you in two weeks though right?" I ask and she nods before collapsing into my arms, not able to hold her tears back any longer.

"Lizzie it's going to be okay. We're going to be fine okay! We will call every night and my dad and Scarlett are going to check up on me and take me to my appointments. You don't need to worry," I explain and she squeezes me tighter.

"Im so sorry that I have to leave you. I just want to stay with you until you get better," she says and I release her from my grip before placing my palm on the side of her face.

"Don't apologize. This is a huge opportunity for you and I would hate to be the one to stop you from pursuing it," I tell her and suddenly a voice appears on the speakers.

Flight 362 boarding now

"That's me," she says. Lizzie pulls me towards her, kissing me passionately. I wipe the tears off of her face and smile at her as she slowly backs up.

"Call me when you land. I love you," I tell her.

"Okay. I love you too," Lizzie says and walks away leaving me standing in the airport, alone.


Back at home the day goes by pretty slow. I use some of my time to look at my photography website and add some things to it since there's not much else I can do right now.

I cook some lunch and putter around the house with boredom waiting for Lizzie's call. She should have landed by now. It's probably busy though so I understand why she hasn't called me yet.

While I wait, I play a few one player card games, catch up on some tv shows and call my dad to see how he's doing.

After talking on the phone with him, my curiosity gets the best of me and I decide to open Lexi's text from the other night after I sent her the letter.

Lexi's texts:

12:05am- Omg where did you get this??!

12:06am- Is that true?!

12:08am- Why would she say that?!

12:08am- Y/n answer me!

12:20am- When did you talk to her last?!

12:24am- Do you still love her?

12:50am- Why aren't you answering me?!

1:12am- I called her 5 times and she hasn't picked up.

1:47am- Is she with you right now?

8:24am- Y/n she didn't come home.

9:13am- You're worrying me! Answer please so I know you're okay.

10:00am- She came home.

11:18am- She denied everything.

11:20am- Did you make that letter up to get me to break up with her?!

1:52pm- She said she loves me and would never leave me.

2:39pm- I found her letters to the girl she cheated on me with.

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