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The dark red haired boy was still thinking about what he heard "Who was ____? A friend of theirs?"

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The dark red haired boy was still thinking about what he heard "Who was ____? A friend of theirs?"

So many questions but few answers, he lay down on his mattress that was on the floor, looking at the ceiling, in a way, he was curious to know who he was, besides "____" was a strange name, he didn't seem to be from Japan and pronouncing it was very difficult for him.

But for a strange reason, every time he hears that name, he receives a shock in his body but there was something else that kept going through his mind "Protect her" "Why should I protect her?" He didn't know but if it was something that Sabito and Makomo asked of him, he would fulfill it.

He kept staring at the ceiling until he fell sound asleep, tomorrow was a big day, it was the day of the final selection.

But he never thought it was the day

of the




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~Eren's point of view ~
¿What ?

¿How many times has my flower died ?

I do not know.
I lost count.

I don't know how many idiots
Have killed my sick flower
Over and over and over again.

And I almost did, I'm sorry my sweet flower, I almost killed you, but thanks to you I was able to come back to myself.

Even though this world is so EVIL, you.......you changed me...you.....never left me alone.....so I never will......n -don't leave me l-alone...... Please.

🌻 sick and depressive flower 🌻  ( kimetsu no yaiba x you  )Where stories live. Discover now