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- broken heart sound -

.....Did I die?


I started to wake up , my eyelids were heavy and the light that was there didn't help me much

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I started to wake up , my eyelids were heavy and the light that was there didn't help me much.

Within minutes I got used to the light, I opened my eyes giving sight to a field of golden flowers, again.

Yes, I 've been here before , every time I die I appear here for a strange reason , I got up a little sitting in the middle of what looked like a flower bed , my eyes saw nothing but millions of flowers , there were no houses or trees There didn't seem to be any other colored flowers or animals either, just these "buttercups."

Why did I die? I don't remember , ahg I hate this, maybe another stupid human killed me for being a monster, how I hate them!.


Did you listen well? Did anyone call me? I looked around, no one was there , I think it was just my imagination , I scratched my cheek, sure it was my mind trying to play games with me.

~ ______! ~

Well, either I 'm going crazy or there 's someone here with me, look around again , since there was nobody there last time , I'm going to answer him, maybe he'll answer me .

- Hello? Is there someone?

After speaking, a strong wind suddenly appeared , I covered myself with my hands to protect my eyes .

~ there you are my girl, you 've grown up.

A very sweet voice spoke to me with a maternal aura, I lowered my arms slowly to see a woman standing in front of me, she was wearing a long white dress that dragged on the floor, she had short brown hair , white skin and had my same eyes Who is he? That was the key question .

🌻 sick and depressive flower 🌻  ( kimetsu no yaiba x you  )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora