Chapter 3 "Love sick puppy"

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"If you never lost your sanity,then you have never been in love.

Arsenio walks in sasha's house

"Thank me later, my love sick puppy."
Arsenio said to sasha.

"Arsenio stop calling me that, Anyways why should I thank you?"
Sasha asked.

"See this video, this is live CCTV of a cafe where Lauren's friend Nayla is present with Lauren."
Arsenio said

"What Nyla is with Lauren, then why didn't she tell me this."
Sasha asked in shock.

"Offcause why will she give her friends info to her so call lover."
Arsenio said.

"No Arsenio she is not lauren."
Sasha said.

"How can you be so sure. You can't even see her face."
Arsenio asked.

"Arsenio I can recognize her from the back too. She is not Lauren I am hundred percent sure."
Sasha said

Arsenio said

"But we should see who his girl is."
Sasha said

Arsenio asked.

"Maybe she is Lauren's friend."
Sasha said

"Yeah right. Wait is I will call Brandon to get this girl photo."
Arsenio said

"See they are leaving."
Arsenio said.

"Let them leave, but I won't let Lauren leave. I will call her later."
Sasha said.

Colombo industries

"How is the work going Arsenio."
Arnold asked as Arsenio enters his cabin.

"It's going great dad."
Arsenio replied

"It has to be great atleast this is your debut in the business. I am going to throw the biggest party once it's you take over the buisnes."
Arnold said to Arsenio in pride.

"Offcause dad,but you always have to be with me to support me, to guild me and to correct my decision."
Arsenio said to his father.

"Offcause my son I will always be with you."
Arnold reply

"Dad now you just relax, all your dreams I will to complete."
Arsenio said making Arnol happy as hell.

"That's only thing I wanted to hear from you."
Arnold said happiness clearly visible in his voice.

"Dad I was thinking to get a house or apartment near the site, like it's almost over. So I think I shoul be there more. But it take lots of time for me to reach ther so what's say."
Arsenio said.

"Nice idea you just find the place I will get it for you ok."
Arnold replied.

"Okay thanks dad I am going to the site for a surprise visit. So I will check accommodation there. Bye."
Sasha's house

Sasha calls Lauren

"What the heck,I called you 4 times and now you answered."
Sasha yelled on call, in faturation.

"I was with my family so."
Lauren answers.

"So what?"
Sasha asked.

"I can't pick you call infromt of them. They don't know anything."
Lauren answered.

"Really,your hiding there's son-in-law from them baby."
Sasha asked mischievously.

"Stop calling me that Sasha, I am not you baby neither you are there son-in-law and you will never be. Bye."
Lauren said

With that she cut the call leaving behide frustrated and angry sasha.

He calls Arsenio.

"Arsenio meet me at my club."
This is the 3 chapter. Hope I get views like I got 0 views on the previous chapter.



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