Chapter 26: I Think I'm Bi For You

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The words have slipped out of his mouth before he could even decide if it was a good idea. But now, Bad was blinking at Skeppy. Skeppy could see the gears turning in his head, trying to peace everything together. It seemed like a challenge to put together. It probably is a struggle. It wasn't easy to hear your friend say that they were have a sexuality crisis. Especially from the friend that you've kissed about two times now. Bad was probably having a million different things going on in his head right then and there that probably would lead him not to believe him.

Skeppy was being dead on serious and honest, and he looked at Bad with a look that said it. This wasn't those moments they'd joke about this type of stuff. Bad was looking straight at Skeppy's eyes with concentration. Skeppy watched as Bad seemed to be trying to catch a spark of amusement or sarcasm, like a cat trying to keep track of a bird. Like that cat, he wasn't able to, there was no way he could of. He can't catch anything that signalled a joke if he wasn't joking. Bad continued his search till he finally gave him to the facts.

Bad sighs and looks at Skeppy with a look of defeat, "Your plain out serious aren't you?". Skeppy nods his head aggressively and Bad looks up with a sigh. "Well it's hard to tell what you are by look honestly. Mainly those kisses. You seemed to of...." Bad stated, his voice fading away as he didn't finish his sentence. Skeppy knew the direction it was going and finished his friend's sentence, "Enjoyed it. Yeah I know.". Bad begins growing shy and nervous about the spot he was being put in at that moment.

"Was that my imagination orrrr.." Bad began looking nervous about asking that question. Skeppy looked up at the ceiling and sighed at the thought about the predicament. "Yeah yeah I did like it, and that's the thing. I can't be straight and like kissing a guy." Skeppy says simply sounding defeated. His mind wandered back to the event in Bad's bathroom, and that kiss he was dared to do. He had really liked those, and he knew at the park he couldn't stop thinking about how great Bad looked at that moment, and the way he got red when he turned away after Skeppy pointed out his friend looking at him.

His mind wandered back to the dream he had with Bad in it. He still wondered why Bad was in his dream, but no matter, he knew he wanted to kiss him in that dream. His thoughts began swirling with stuff that's been going on for the last few days and even before that. Everything seemed to just lead to it. Everything seemed to be saying the same thing. That he definitely wasn't straight. Or at least, not anymore. Skeppy began tapping his fingers on his legs. The agony of the truth overwhelming him. The words he wanted to say kept repeating in his head. I'm bi for you. Cause I like like you. It kept repeating itself over and over in his mind. In different tones and pitches and times and places. All just kept repeating itself. His mind was set on this and that wasn't changing until he releases it. Bad's voice cut through his mind to bring his attention to him, "Let's go take a walk, clear our minds." Skeppy nodded and got up to get on his shoes. Maybe a walk would help.

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