Chapter 24 : Your Not Straight

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The next day, the two were at the store. The group had managed to be sober enough to drive to Dream's and Bad and Skeppy fell asleep quickly in their own beds. (Patience you horny muffinheads.) Karl was deciding to stay at Dream's for a bit after George leaves, enjoying the visit he was having obviously. Skeppy was looking at the boxes of cereal, wondering how quickly George will act on last night. Like come on, the dog thing and the biting tongue joke was something that gave DNF vibes too much. Bad had ran off tho get veggies and told Skeppy to not grab anything too sugary, obviously not working out, cause Skeppy grabbed Captain Crunch.

He paused when he heard a voice behind him and he turned to the voice's owner. There stood a girl of blond hair, and a brown jacket with a black shirt under. Her light green eyes were faced straight at Skeppy and they seemed to be only focused on him. "What is your sexuality?" The person asked simply. Skeppy at once found it amusing wondering how this, young adult, was asking his sexuality so suddenly. "I'm straight." Skeppy said certain about it in the moment. The young lady shook her head at Skeppy causing confusion. "Hun, your not straight." The lady said calmly. Skeppy raised a brow at them and the lady was not affected.

Skeppy questioned how they could be so certain on his sexuality. "How would you know?" Skeppy questioned. The young lady pulled out her phone, showing a cover of DSMP members. At once Skeppy caught on she was a fan, and completely aware of who he was. "Your definitely not straight darling. Sorry to face it to you but it's true, and by the way, my name is Violet." She told and she grabbed a box of cereal, and walked away. Skeppy scoffed at this and somewhat believed them almost.

Suddenly another person runs by, him catching glasses, a leafy crown, and red brown hair. The person looks at Skeppy and yells at him, "GAY VIBES and I'm Muffinz!!". They run so fast they just randomly grab a box and they seem to be enjoying themselves, as they caught up to the other person, the two starting a conversation. That was normal. Fans communicate to each other on a daily. The girl named Muffinz turns back at Skeppy, "HEHEHEHEHE I'M STILL EXPOSING YOUR NOW BF'S PICS IN HIS PHONE!!". The girl beside them spoke you as well, "Cat maid Skeppy photos!".

Skeppy began spluttering, not even aware of those photos on his phone. They both enjoyed the expression Skeppy had as they walked away. The fuck?! Skeppy ammediatly thought, blinking as the two dissapeared behind the corner. He could tell the two were happy with his flustered reaction and that he had probably gotten red. Skeppy though had people who couldn't see him red, him easing his cheeks to a normal heat and color before walking away from the ile to find Bad look through the vegetables. Skeppy had in the first place demanded getting cereal, though they were there cause Bad was in the mood to cook that day.

His mind though still buzzed with activity, thinking through the two's statements. The two seemed so knowing and sure about the idea. I'm straight, I'm straight, I'm straight. Skeppy repeated to himself on repeat. The words seeming less and less believable ever second. Am I straight? Or are they right? Skeppy began questioning as the two walked to the register buying the foods. Bad had quietly obliged to the Captain Crunch, aware he wasn't getting Skeppy to buy anything healthier by choice. Skeppy was no way gonna agree to it when Bad can simply get the healthier things as he stood beside him. The question lingered in mind.

Was I Straight?

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