"Or a misstep she took on the dance floor?" Benedict remarks.

"I do wonder, Daphne, might we count on the duke at the Crawford ball?" Lady Bridgerton asks.

"I should think it a fair chance," Daphne tells her mother.

"What about the Ramsbury ball, Friday? Oh! And what about the grand picnic?" Lady Bridgerton asks.

"We shall see, Mama," Daphne tells her.

"How terrible for Fran that she'll be off practicing pianoforte with Aunt Winnie all season and miss Daphne's engagement to the duke," Hyacinth says.

"Did Francesca leave for Bath already?" Gregory asks.

Eloise rushes into the room. "How does a lady come to be with child?"

I look at Eloise in shock. Whatever could possess her to ask that question.

Lady Bridgerton stands up and walks towards her. "Eloise, what a question!"

"I thought one needed to be married," Eloise states.

"What are you talking about?" Daphne questions.

"Apparently, it's not even a requirement," Eloise says.

"Eloise, that is more than enough," Lady Bridgerton scolds. Eloise trudges off to sit between Colin and Benedict. "Daphne, you were playing so lovely. Please, do go on."

"I take it the two of you know?" Eloise questions.

"Do not look at me," Benedict tells her.

"Have you ever visited a farm, El?" Colin asks.

"I hope you are not encouraging improper topics of conversation," Lady Bridgerton warns.

"Not at all, Mother," Benedict assures.

Colin stands up. "In fact, we were just heading off to... take our sticks out."

"Colin Bridgerton!" Lady Bridgerton shouts.

"A round of fencing," Colin clarifies.

"Miss? Humboldt is coming," a maid informs Lady Bridgerton.

"Humboldt is coming?" Daphne asks.

"Humboldt?" Lady Bridgerton questions.

"Why is Humboldt coming?" Hyacinth asks.

Humboldt walks into the room.

"Has someone arrived, Humboldt?" Daphne asks.

"Callers for Miss Daphne, ma'am," Humboldt tells her.

Daphne squeals in excitement.

"But... the duke. You already have a caller, dearest," Lady Bridgerton reminds her.

"Well, I suppose now I have more," Daphne tells her.

I stand up. "I will leave you to all your caller, Daph. But I will see you later at the Crawford ball." I smile at Lady Bridgerton. "Thank you for the tea, Lady Bridgerton."

"It is always a pleasure to have you in our home, Lady Mercy," Lady Bridgerton tells me.

As I leave, I walk past an impressive number of young callers. It seems that with the affections of the duke Daphne is now the most sought after of all us young ladies. I know it is exactly as she had wished from the time we were teenagers.

The duke accompanies Lady Danbury, Val, and I to the ball. He helps Lady Danbury down from our carriage.

"Would it pain you to wear some color, Your Grace?" Lady Danbury asks. "The London season is already terribly monotonous as it is. Must your wardrobe do the same?"

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