Chapter 27 - Katniss

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(Katniss's POV)

I feel very left out. Everyone is talking and laughing except me. It's my fault, I know. Clove is acting cold, and I don't blame her. She probably thinks it's my fault all this happened in the first place. But somehow, I can't bring myself to apologize. When I mentioned knowing them, I didn't know Glimmer and Cato were dating, or that Glimmer didn't know. So how could it have been my fault?

Finnick and Annie wander off, I think to go get something from the concession stand. Madge grabs her camera and Peeta and goes down to take pictures of, I don't know, probably the cheerleaders, for the yearbook. Johanna says she'll be right back and runs off. Leaving me alone. With Clove.

Clove looks everywhere she can without looking at me. I end up doing the same. Oh, please, someone come back. This can't get any more awkward.

I sigh. Maybe I should just apologize. "Do you blame me?"

Clove doesn't look at me. "Only partially. The difference between you and the other people who share the blame is they've apologized. Or they're Glimmer. Or me."

I look at her. "Well then, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make this happen." I pause. "Why would you blame yourself, though? None of this is your fault. It's mainly Glimmer, right?"

She finally looks at me and shakes her head. "No. If I had just explained everything to her at first, none of this would have happened. If I had told you everything, this wouldn't have happened."

"You didn't remember who I was, though."

She sighs. "I should have."

Why am I so bad at things like this? I never know what to say. So we sit in silence until Johanna comes back, and I go to find Madge.

Madge and Peeta are coming back when I almost run into them. "Whoa, we're walking here," Madge says with a laugh. Peeta smiles, but he seems a bit nervous.

I smile. "Just came to find you. I got bored." That's not true at all, but I don't know how to explain my failure yet.

"Well, we were just going back." Did I pl imagine it, or did she just nudge Peeta towards me? "Right, Peeta?"

"Um, yes," he says awkwardly. Wait, awkwardly? Peeta is never awkward. Something's going on here.

I frown at them both. "Is something going on?"

The both shake their heads. "What do you mean?" Madge asks.

"Never mind," I say. Whatever. If they don't want to tell me, fine. Maybe I imagined it all.

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