Physical Exams 👨‍⚕️

Start from the beginning

      "You just figure this out?" I asked out loud. Tamaki sucked the air through his teeth hearing that, "W-well.." "I have to agree with Rose here, you just now realized that?" He looked over dramatically at Savannah for a word, but she only looked away quietly. "You knew too, and didn't tell me?!" He yelled in desperation. Kyoya and I soon brought out a while board with two pie charts on it, "According to my research, in a single day, the twins spend roughly nine hours of class time with Haruhi." "Meanwhile, your contact with her is limited to a couple of hours of club activities. You only spend about 3% of time in her life in total," Me and Kyoya explained to him. He started to cry, "I don't wanna hear it!" Out of panic, he tugged Haruhi close to him and forbid anymore contact with the twins. After said twins called him out for what he called them, shady, he came into realization that 'he wasn't too far from their actions' as well. "Alright then, we can't go on hiding the fact that you're a girl from everyone in the school any longer! All Daddy wants is for you to go back to being the girl you used to be!" He announced loudly. We all looked at each other in question and concern. Savannah tried to talk him out of it sweetly, but he wasn't having any of it.

      "Tamaki, I love you, but maybe it's not good to-" "No, this will be good for her! Daddy's little girl needs to be around other girls her age, not these two who want to take advantage of her!!" Dayna and I was about to try and get through to him, but the twins intervened faster than we could. "She's going to be found out soon enough." "Physical exams are the day after tomorrow." Physical exams? Kyoya looked up from his book, "That's right, I forgot all about it." For fuck sake. Eventually, we all went back to the club room to change into our uniforms and do after club planning. I sat with Kyoya to ask him more about any important school days that might come up, while Savannah sat with Honey and Dayna was forced with the twins peaking over her shoulders looking at her drawings. 

      "While you've wasted time blinded by your jealousy, I've foreseen the outcome of this charade," Tamaki said loudly to draw the rest of us close. He continued, "This anime is obviously a romantic school comedy. Haruhi and I are the main characters, so that means we are love interests." Hold on...this sounds familiar. The twins asked what the rest of us was after. Tamaki spun around in grace, "You boys...are the homosexual supporting cast!" Dayna raised her hand slightly, "Rose is on the fence, Savannah is just too comfortable with her friends, and I...don't know. What does that make us?" "Why, the shameless self inserts being written slightly out of character because your friends can't really write for her life, of course!" He really just had to call me out like that? I didn't make fun of him THAT much for him to go that deep, shit. 

      "Hey, listen boss, I don't think you get it." Kaoru started. Honey took over, "If word gets out that Haru-chan is really a girl, then she won't be able to be in the Host Club anymore." It hit him like a truck as Savannah gave him a smug smile, "Hey, I tried to tell you earlier. Even they tried to break it to you softly. Daddy wouldn't listen~" As the conversation went on between the boys, I started smiling more seeing Tamaki finally see the bigger picture. It seemed like Dayna was enjoying this as well since she slowly gave me an opened bag of chips. "You are a life saver," I whispered to her. Savannah had her head in her hands during all this, muttering to herself what was going to happen. "He's gonna come up with some plan that works out in the end. He needs to really think more ahead with these things, I swear," She sighed. Even if they sounded tiresome, through all of that...there was a smile on her face.

      "Don't you worry Haruhi! We're determined to keep your secret. No one will find out that you're really a girl during tomorrow's physical exams! So please, promise you'll stay our beloved secret princess!" Tamaki's hands gripped her shoulders tightly with anxiety. She blinked and agreed very easily, letting them make their plan to conceal her gender. "Listen up, squad members. At tomorrow's physical exams, position yourselves in Formation A and then wait for your orders," He commanded. "This will go so wrong, and I can't wait to watch it happen," I chuckled to myself. With Haruhi hearing all of this, she...she didn't seem to indifferent to be found out. It shouldn't be a surprise to any of us, but it was disheartening to say the least. The reason in her head for them being worried for her discovery was that she wouldn't be able to pay back the debt...she was really blind to emotions, wasn't she? The club tried to motivate her to go along with the plan, but it just drove Tamaki more into his depression corner as a result. 

      "Well, before we do anything else we have to find a way to motivate her," Kaoru remarked. After a second or so of thinking, Mori and Dayna figured it out with 2 simple words, "Fancy tuna." We all gasped, including Tamaki, "Oh, that's right. You didn't get the chance to eat any during last episode's party, did you?" You might be thinking that he's wrong, since I gave her a small plate of food before everything happened last time. wasn't really fancy tuna, so Tamaki was right. And from that, her only reason to keep this going was food...she really was one of us.

      It came to the end of the day, the sunset lighting the place greatly with bright oranges and deep yellows. Leaving myself in my thoughts for a while, I thought about getting a chance to know Kyoya more. The question now am I going to set that up? The classic route of course, a study date. Have him teach something I need help with, and slip in some casual conversation topics. It's worth a shot in the dark, so in the best timing in my history Kyoya was making his way out of the school. I walked up to him quick, yelling to the other two to wait up for me. "Kyoya! Can I ask you for something?" "Yes?" I took a deep breath, letting the words finally form in my throat. Finally speaking, I asked, "I was wondering if you could help me with some of my studies. Do you have some spare time to help me, or do you want to schedule for another time?" He smiled while pushing up his glasses some, "I would have to refuse. I wouldn't want to spend my time to simply teach you something you should already know." " I'm stupid to you..?" 

      He didn't answer me, only gave me a cold stare until I turned back slowly to walk to my friends that were waiting in the car. "What did he say?" Dayna asked. I shook my head and said quietly, "Can we just go home, please?"

      The day rolled by with the school waiting for us patiently. Classes was normal and the air was light as the overhead speakers sounded off, "We will begin conducting physical examinations shortly. All students, please proceed to the clinic in your respective school building." Since we were all still new, the three of us followed the crowd like sheep. A physical exam can't be that different from a regular one in a public school, right? Wrong actually, since when Haruhi opened the door the room was lined with nurses and doctors with big smiles across their faces. "Welcome students!" They all said in unison. Our little group all thought the same thing seeing that scene, "...Are we gonna get raped?" 

      They all acted like this was normal, these damn rich people! Three nurses walked up to us, calling us by our last names and introducing themselves as our nurses for the evening. They both were dragged away by their nurse, but as I was behind my assigned nurse a man bumped into me harshly. I almost fell on the floor, "Hey, watch it!" "Ah! I-I'm sorry for that!" Looking over him for a bit; his wrinkled and slightly dirty doctor's coat, messed up hair, and deep circles around his eyes...there's something wrong with this guy. "Aren't you...suppose to be somewhere? Are you lost?" I asked without thinking. He looked over me in silence for a long time, making me cringe within myself. Before anything happened, he apologized quick and walked away. I felt a hand on my shoulder and someone ask me a question, "Are you alright?"  

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