who is it? p.1

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Part 1 as its unfinish (see bottom for notes)

3rd pov

Ranboo walked up to the door and knocked gently but loud enough to hear if the owner were on the second floor.

Tubbo could see the fuzzy vision of a black and white figure with spots of green and red along him. Tubbo had forgotten their glasses of the table downstairs and couldnt bother to get them. He let put a heavy sigh and dragged himself down the ladder lazily, he shut his eyes as to not wanting to see the replacment of his beloved husband.

"What do you want ghostboo."

He let out coldly, internally screaming to himself that he should have ignored the door, he could have said the old "i was sleepibg sorry" excuse later.

"Well?! I dont have all day! Well actually i do..but not for you! You are j-just a replacment of- of Ra-"

He couldnt bring himself to say his name, Tubbo had 2 opinions.

-Here this bitch out.
-slam the door on his face

Despite option 2 calling out to him alot, he couldnt. Why? Because R----- was still there...maybe....i think....hopefully...

"Please just say what you have to say..? I wanna be alone.."  tubbo said as tears were heard at the end of the phrase. Tubbo felt tugged twoards something warm, it was the figure infront of him..how though..he usually cold, he a ghost! You cant feel ghost..!

Tubbo had his hopes up but was instantly shot down when he realized hes probably imagineing everything. The figure held on tighter out of sympathy as the short figure let out more tears.

Tubbo let go from the hug and sat on the counter, even thought he couldnt see

bestie where was i going with this- i like fell asleep- WHAT COUNTER?!
      ill probably make a part 2 as i need to re read this sorry if it makes no sense, i wrote this and fell alseep. Love yall <3

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