night thoughts

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Angst to fluff? Also this is deep ant the beginning so please dw you are real and okay.
Also its their C! Character not irl

I was laying there contemplating life in the middle of the night tubbos head against my back with his hands hugging my waist..
What if this all was fake,
What if he didnt love me,
What if this was a dream..a simulator maybe..
Am i living my life like some puppet on strings..?
Am i a pawn on a chess board easily replaceable?

If i died, would anyone notice?
What if-

"Boo..?" Tubbo mumbled quietly
i let put a heavy sigh "yeah Tubbo..?
"Turn around." He demand, and just as he said i turned around now facing him he nuzzled his head on my chest with his hands, still wrapped around my waist, although i melted at his touch as muvh as i loved him the thoughts came back

Did he just do this for my money?
Did he take off his ring dehind my back? I mean i get it for mineing but even then he wears gloves for mineing..
Did he love me the way i love him?

"Boo.." he whispered "yeah..?" I said in a tired tone "go to bedd you woke me up" he complained "sorry bo.." i whispered "what happened to bee..i liked that nickname" he looked up at me "oh sorry i thought you didnt.." i explained "when the fuck did i say that?" Silence filled the room " thats what i thought dickhead..keep calling me bee." he continued and i chuckled.


"Hey bee?" I ask as he hummed a response "do you still love me..?" I questioned "oh my god dude its like 3am, stop overthinking ofc i do" he said a bit louder "sorry.." i mumbled to myself "its okay Boo" he smiled "sorry if i sounded rude or mad" he continued ( i was originally going to put a smile like this :) but then realized ifykyk)

He brought my head down just a bit lower to his level and gave me a kiss on my forehead and smile brightly "I love you so much you dont even know it Ranboo" he said truthfully "god im going to spoil you in the morning" i planted a soft, short kiss on his lips "you better bossman" he said as he headbutted my chest, i admit it, it hurt but i didnt really care, i knew he loved me, and i loved him, and thats how I liked it.

Reminder this is their C! Character and not their irl selfs hope you liked it because im realllly proud of this one


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