Chapter 23: Reunited With Her

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I just want to quickly apologise for getting a little bit sloppy with the chapters, it's 4 days since I last made one, my apologies

You all make it back to the school, well all of you besides Tenn, Aj and Clem

Violet: Y/N? Do you want to talk?

You stay silent

Violet: Y/N?

You: They're out there Violet, I-

You look at her dead in the eyes

You: I'm afraid

Violet: Clem and Aj are tough, they'll fight some walkers and then they'll get back here safe and sound

You: I want to believe that but I don't know if I can

Louis walks up to you holding a notepad

The italics are going to be what Louis writes as he's not actually speaking

Louis: Are you okay Y/N?

You: No Louis, I'm not

Louis: What's wrong?

You: Clem and Aj are out there somewhere and I don't know if they're safe or not

Louis: Maybe you could go out looking for them?

You: That's fucking stu-

You: No-no it isn't stupid, you're right, I'll just go out and look for them myself

Louis: Good luck :)

You: Thanks Louis

You leave the school, you have to find her, you have to find your Clementine

The walk there was fairly simple, only the occasional walker would bother you and there was no Delta left which meant no humans were out here, it was however a tiring walk, who knew how much forest surrounded the school, you walk and walk and walk until you hear people, one of them sounds like Tenn

???: ...Because you showed us how. We weren't safe with Marlon. Even in his "safe zone" we were just... hiding

You try and hide behind a tree but you make a noise by accident, you hear one of the people draw their knife, you decide to step out with your hands up, you step out to see Clem, Aj and Tenn

Aj: Y/N!

Everyone hugs you

You: You're alive... Thank fuck

Clem: Did everyone else escape?

You: Yeah.. They're all okay, they're at the school

Clem: But you came to look for us?

You: Why wouldn't I?

You hold Clem's hands in yours and look her in the eyes

You: You're my everything

Clem hugs you

Clem: I love you...dumbass

She says happily

Clem: Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

You: Oh it's a gun alright

"Insert smirking trollface meme here"

You both pull away

You: We did it. The raiders are gone and everyone's alive. Come on, we're all going home

Clem: Any idea which way that is?

You: There's a bridge a bit further ahead. It's the fastest way to get back to the school

Clem: Let's go

You: I was really worried Clem... When I escorted Louis off the boat and I couldn't find you.. I was scared

Clem: Really?

You: Yeah, I'm not good at losing people I care about, Clem. And if it was you I don't even know what I'd do

Clem: You won't be losing me anytime soon

You: I hope not

You: Is it just me who remembers random shit when doing something important, I remember before getting sent to the school that I used to have a shed my Dad built for me in the backyard, it turned into my own personal bedroom kinda. I slept in there, played on my PlayStation in there, it was a fully functioning shed with enough room for me

Clem: Okay, but like why that out of everything else in your life

You: I was thinking that when we get back we could build one, for you, me and Aj to use, put all of our belongings in our own little shed and just live in there, like if we bought a house in the world before this one

Clem: That sounds like a pretty cool idea, Aj what do you think?

Aj: It's definitely a cool idea

You: Then it's settled, we're building it, what colour should it be?

Clem: How about white? Like my house before the plague?

You: Cool colour, but it's not red

Clem: Seriously? A red shed? Do you know how dumb that would look?

You: Fine. We'll do white. It holds some sentimental value

Clem: That's the correct response well done Y/N

You: Okay, I can totally see the place. What beds should we have? 1 bunk for me and you and 1 single for Aj? 3 singles for all of us?

Clem: How about a single for Aj...

Clem whispers in your ear

Clem: And a double for us

You: Okay then, I would definitely prefer that

You wink at her and she starts blushing

You: We need one final thing though

Clem: How about...

Clem: A treehouse

You: Fuck yeah! Good idea Clem

You: We are definitely building this shed when we get back to the school

Clem: 100 percent, we have to

You: This is why I love you

Clem: The feeling's mutual

Tenn: Can I help?

You: Of course man, you're in charge of the painting, have you got white?

Tenn: Sure do

You: Perfect. I can't wait for this to be built. C'mon. Let's get home and build this

You come to a bridge with the middle missing

And that's all for today folks, only 1 or 2 more chapters left until I finish this book

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