Chapter 4: A Special Conversation

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You decide to check on Tenn before going to bed and he's drawing

You: What's up Tenn?

Tenn: Nothing, can I ask you a favour?

You : Ask away dude

Tenn: Could you go and get that box from Minnie and Sophie's old room? It has a lot of colours

You: Okay my man

Tenn: That's just cringy

You: Okay, moody, quiet Y/N is better. Noted.

You go to get the box from the twins' old room, you open the door to find Clem and Aj on the other side which startles you

You: Oh, I didn't know Marlon set you up in this room. I just came to grab something from the closet. Fuck, where is it?

You see Aj using the box

You: Oh, that's what I'm looking for, it belonged to Sophie.. Uh, Tenn's sister. He wanted more art supplies so..

Clem: We should probably give the box back Aj, it doesn't belong to us

Aj: *sighs* okay

You: Thanks Aj, it's just that Tenn wanted it because it was his sisters and all. You can finish your drawing though, I don't mind

You and Clem step aside towards the bunk beds, Clem stands nearest to Aj while you stand against the other bunks post

You: This rooms dusty as all hell

Clem: Must not have been used for a while

You: Nah, not really, I sometimes come here to think to myself but if it's getting used I can't anymore. I'm not really a people person after a certain incident..

Clem: What was the incident?

You: I trust you enough to tell you so here you go. I was walking through the woods with my best friend, Joey. We were out looking for food, then some dickhead had Joey at gunpoint out of nowhere. I tried to call his bluff and then I found out the hard way that he wasn't bluffing. He shot Joey, looted his corpse and ran off. Now I can't help but remember how if I had played it cool he could still be here.

Clem: Y/N you can't blame yourself, you can only do what you think is right, if you thought that was right then at least you did all you could do instead of giving up

You: Nah Clem it is my fault, it was my actions and I should be made to feel bad about them

Clem: Okay that second part isn't true

You: I've bought my own quietness on myself

Clem: It's kind of cute

This catches you off guard massively

You: C-cute?

Clem: In a friendship way yes

You: Ah okay

You pause for a moment...

You: Clem..

Clem: Yeah

You: You um.. You're the only one I've told that story to

Clem: Wow, you really trust me that much

You: Yeah, yeah I guess so

Clem: Maybe that's why you feel broken inside

You: Why?

Clem: Because you're keeping your feelings to yourself, did that not feel good actually telling someone?

You: You know what, it did. I think you're right. I should talk to the others

Clem: Trust in me, you'll feel better

You: Yeah, you're right, thanks Clem, I needed setting straight. I kinda miss being 'talkative, sometimes over the top Y/N' sometimes

You pause..

You: Tomorrow I'll have changed, I'll be back to my old self again. I'll be fun again, talkative again

You walk over to Clem

You: I ummm...

You hug her, she hugs back

You: Thanks Clem, you helped me regain my confidence

Clem: No problem Y/N

You pull away

Aj: Clem I'm done

Clem: Wow, I love it

You: Yeah little dude, looks good

Aj: Really?

You: You bet my man. Thanks again for the box, you're pretty cool Aj

Aj: Thanks Y/N

You: Don't sweat it kid. See you too tomorrow then

You look at Clem and mouth

You: *mouthing* I'll tell you how it goes

Clem: *mouthing* I can't lip read genius

You decide to whisper it in her ear

You: *whispering* I'll tell you how it goes

Clem: *whispering back* okay

You feel her breath on your skin, it gives you a slight tingly sensation

You open the door

You: Goodnight guys

Aj: Goodnight Y/N

Clem: Goodnight Y/N

You leave the room

Clem's POV:

Aj: Clem do you like Y/N?

He says with a grin on his face

Me: W-what n-no

I say blushing my face off

Aj: It's fine I won't tell anyone

Clem: *sighs* fine I do, you have to promise me that you won't say anything to anyone, this is our secret

Aj: I promise

Clem: Good, and thanks

You blow the candle out and go to bed, ready to talk to Marlon in the morning

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