f o u r | b r o k e n

Start from the beginning

"Someone woke up grumpy today, like always." The chubby girl replied doing her makeup.

Jazz looked at the time on her analogue clock that laid on her bedside drawer. She gasped. Felicity had to be insane to be ready for school at that time.

"How are you already dressed? It's six forty five in the morning!" Jazz couldn't understand as she tossed her head back on her cloud-like pillow.

"Maybe waking up earlier would help your mood, besides who doesn't like Boyz II Men? They soothe your soul and prepare you for a long day just like a scented candle... Speaking of which, I'm definitely getting one soon, hope you like the scent of lavender, Jazzy." Felicity replied, fixing in a new eye lense from her collection.

"Whatever!" Jazz groaned and covered herself with her blanket once more.

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Jazz didn't understand why she was getting incredulous looks from students immediately she entered the brown house. Usually, no one payed attention to her.

Did anything about her appearance change? She wondered.

Oh well, the nasty pimple was gone but still, her tie was sagging as always, her blazer sleeve was rolled up displaying a wrist covered in evil eye bangles– it was kind of becoming a fetish. Okay, maybe her skirt seemed shorter today because she wore satin ankle socks. Looking down at her long caramel legs, her Mary Janes said 'hi'.

It was 7:45 in the morning, and in Jazz's language: Too early for bullshit.

Breathing out, she did a good job of ignoring the stares and murmuring as she walked to the counter to grab her own tray. Silently praying the cook didn't make those terrible watery quinoa meals with nut milk and banana or she'd puke.

Luckily, she was met with trays of pancakes, blueberries and a cup of whipped cream coffee. She picked one that seemed to have the most blueberry and syrup from the many trays freshly laid out.

Perfect! Jazz smiled to herself.

That smile soon faded the moment someone tapped her shoulder. Carefully turning around so she wouldn't ruin both their uniforms she was met with the smiling face of a freckled boy.

"Hi, just wanted to say you totally crushed it on your newest article, I'm with you on it too, I don't believe Aubrey's accident was just an accident! My name's Luthor by the way, have a good day, Jazz. Thanks for speaking up because Bubble has been spooky lately." The boy jabbered on and breezed away immediately he finished his sentence without waiting for a reply.

Weird. She thought but shrugged it off as she walked to an empty table.

Again, too early for bullcrap.

Immediately she sat down, familiar hands slammed their palms to the table, making her jerk in fear.

"What the hell, Grey?!"

He was smiling brightly and dangling a branded sheet of paper in his hand.

"Guess the words finally came around huh? Sick article, Jazz!" Grey gushed, taking a seat beside her on the mini round coffee brown table.

"About that... What article again?!" She quirked her brows in confusion.

"Maybe being jetlagged is messing with your memory but here have a look." He said and handed her the paper.

Before she could read the words, Chloe came and took a seat beside Grey, handing him a fruit latte. He muttered thanks and she nodded, rubbing her hands together before digging into her tray of pancakes.

"Oh that reminds me, who knew you had the balls to dish out your thoughts so boldly, Brown."

Jazz would have taken it as a complement if she actually did write the article.

What was in it anyways?

She hurriedly scanned the big words at the top of the sheet that was written like newspaper headlines.

Bubble Academy's Golden Girl in a coma.


Written by Jazz Brown.

A look of horror cloaked Jazz's face.

"Is something wrong?" Chloe asked, eyeing her.

Jazz was mesmerized, "Yes, something is clearly wrong! I DIDN'T WRITE THIS."

Chloe and Grey exchanged looks.

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A/N: the story is kinda coming along, please vote if you liked this chapter, i deeply appreciate your nice comments, reading and replying them makes my day <3 love you.

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