Starting to like you too

Start from the beginning

"N-no..." She said, then giggled nervously.

"I-I would never do such a thing..."

"BOTH OF YOU, get out of my life. Especially you, Tori. I can't believe you'd stoop so low, JUST to break me and Nique up." I said, and walked away. Zonnique walked up beside me.

"I'm gonna go home. Talk to you later." She said. I gave her a quick kiss then walked inside.

*Zonnique's P.O.V.

Well, it's been a week since that whole thing happened with Tori. She, apparently, broke her leg. So now she walks around with crutches. Of course she's tried to become friends with Ray again, but he's not buying it. Man, when I think about this whole year, it's amazing. All this stuff has happened, and we're still together. Graduation is in two months, so all we have to do is bare through Tori until then. Things should work out, as long as Ray doesn't get pulled back into her little trap.

Ray's P.O.V.

I'm happy to say that Amber ditched Tori and no longer bothers me for no reason, whatsoever. I know that sounds rude, but seriously. She SPIED on me. That's low, don't you think? Whatever, all it got her was a broken leg and no friends. Wow, I sure am being heartless today... aren't I? Maybe Tori needs a friend. I sighed. I saw her sitting all by herself at lunch. Zonnique came up to me and kissed my cheek.

"Hey babe." I said, and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Look at Tori over there, all by herself. Don't you feel a little bad for her?" I asked.

"Uh, no, not really."

"Oh, come on. How about we just be nice to her?"



"Ray, no. And that's final. You can go kiss up to her but I refuse to. She's a bitch."

"No she's not..."

"Ray, don't play this crap with me because I'm not stupid. I've been around these past months, too. I know what she's capible of." She said. I sighed.

"I'm gonna talk to her."

"Suit yourself." She said, then walked away. As much as I love her, she can be a real pain. I walked up to Tori's table and sat down beside her.

"Ray? Um, can I help you with something?" She said, straightening herself up.

"Look, Tori, I came over here to apologize. I'm sorry for what I said that day, I was a little harsh."

"No, Ray, I shouldn't of spied. I'm sorry."

"I know you are, and I accept your apology. Just, if we become friends again, do you promise not to act all weird and stuff?"

"I promise, Ray. I really do." She said. I gave her a hug, then left. I know becoming friends with her again wasn't the best move, but I couldn't help it. She's injured and alone. Wouldn't you of done the same thing?

*Zonnique's P.O.V.

I, for one, cannot BELIEVE Ray made peace with that hoe again! Whatever, he must want to break up with me or something because that's exactly what she'll try and do. What just a minute... if Ray can be friends with another girl, then I can become friends with another guy! That new kid Jacob Latimore will work out perfect. He's hilarious, cute, has good taste in clothes, and always smells really good. Speaking of him, there he is! I walked over and sat down beside him

"Hey, Jacob!"

"Hey, Zonnique. What's happening?"

"Oh, not much. Boyfriend made up with the hoe."



"Woah, again?!"


"Man, that sucks. Ray's too good for her."

"I know! She's just trying to break us up. She almost did a few months back."

"Yeah, I heard. Well, if you need a man, I'll be here for you."

"Aw, thanks Jacob!" I said, and gave him a hug.

"No problem. Besides, I owe you for hooking me up with Bahja's sister."

"Oh, that wasn't a big deal. Anytime you need me, I'll be here. Well, except for now. Looks like Ray's done talking to Tori. Bye"

"Bye, Zonnique." He said. Man, Jacob is so nice. Ray walked up to me.

"Why was you talking to Jacob?" He asked. I gave him the 'oh, please.' look.


"Ray, I could ask you the same question."

"Zonnique, we've been through this."

"I don't care, Ray. You're too good for her!"

"No, I"m not-"

"Ray, please. Why do you keep doing this? You get her out of your life then bring her right back into it."

"Zonnique, I don't want to talk about it." He said, then stomped off.

"Whatever." I said to myself.

*Ray's P.O.V.

That night I went home and called Tori.


"Hey, it's Ray."

"Oh, hey! Something wrong?"

"Well, I actually wanted to ask you something..."

"Uh, anything... shoot."

"Do you like me? Like, crush wise?" I asked, being serious. There was silence.

"Uh... yes, Ray... I do." She said, quietly.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because... I'm kind of starting to like you, too..."

Innocently In Love (A Ray Ray and Zonnique Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now