Chapter 15-Alex

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   After a few moments of devastatingly disappointing results, Adam finally registers what is happening and he kisses me back with so much love and passion that I feel as though I'm about to pass out.  He puts his strong hands on both sides of my face and kisses me even harder, but it isn't rough and possessive.  In fact, it's the complete opposite.  This is a loving kiss making me feel as though Adam will never leave me again, as though I'm his only true love, and that nothing will change that fact.  

   My lips start tingling and we pull away from each other, me trying to catch my breath while he just pulls away from me altogether, leaving me feel cold and hurt.  He starts pacing back and forth, muttering to himself about something.  I sigh and walk up to his back, putting a hand on his shoulder.  He quickly turns around, startling me, and he grabs my hand.  

   "You need to talk to Elizabeth", he whispers softly.

    I just nod and take his hand in mine, letting him guide me downstairs to the truck.  He opens the passenger side door and holds my hand as I climb in.  He shuts the door and makes it to the driver's side in the blink of an eye.  I eye him warily, not liking how thick the tension is in the atmosphere.  

   He just shrugs and we continue the whole in silence.  


   After what feels like forever, we finally pull up to Lizzie's tall and familiar Victorian era house.  As soon as we stop, Adam kills the engine and I get out before Adam feels the need to help me.  Although, he still feels the need to put a hand on my shoulder, so I shrug it off and say, "I'm not helpless you know."

   He neither agrees or disagrees with my statement and he backs off a bit.  I walk up to Lizzie's front door and knock patiently, waiting for someone to answer.  I'm just about to turn and tell Adam that no one is home when I see Lizzie poke her head out of the door.  She looks at me and gives me a small smile then looks over my shoulder and her smile turns to a grimace.  I turn around and see that Adam's facial expression matches her and I'm left to wonder what is going on between them.

   After a few more awkward moments of them scowling at each other, Elizabeth finally comes to her senses and realizes I'm waiting in the cold.  She opens the door wide and lets me in, giving me a big gentle hug as I head inside.  I take in a deep breath and I realize how much I've missed this place.  The old creaky floorboards and the ancient hiding places we used to play in.  The old and familiar rustic smell that I know so well invades my senses and I take another deep breath, inhaling it in.

   I know this house inside and out, it feels like a second home to me.  Every other day after school, Lizzie and I would meet here and talk about what new things we had learned and discovered about that day and many other things like bullies and drama.  Well, I would tell her about the bullies while she just sat back and listened intently.  

   No one had picked on her and I was jealous of that sometimes, but I couldn't blame them.  She was beautiful and nice to everyone, so it was a little hard to find things to tease her about.  Even Sophie and her "crew' could find no imperfections.  Me on the other hand, well, it seemed as though I was full of them.  One day I was too fat, the next too skinny, which made no sense at all.  One day, I would seem to fit in with everyone, like a piece that is in the puzzle of life, and the next, I would stick out like an alien and it seemed as though everyone wanted to remind me of it.  

   I glanced around me, cherishing the sight of my two best friends in the world, right at my fingertips.  I smile to myself, proud that I wasn't weak in my times of trouble.  Who are they to tell me what's wrong with me?  If anything, they are just as imperfect as me so they have no right to point out my flaws when they could possibly have more.  After all, they do say that many bullies were either bullied when they were younger, have had a horrible life, or are just plain jealous.  

Enchanted By: Mariah Soletaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن