Chapter 21

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"I need help! It's an emergency!" Kat shouted through the phone.

"Are you ok?"

"No! I need a model."

"God Kat, you can't do that! I thought you were being murdered."

"Just get to the address I'm texting you as soon as possible."

Kat hung up leaving me utterly confused.

"Um Mason?"


"Can you take me to Kat's studio?"

"Why?" he asked and looked over from his tv show.

"I wish I could tell you."

Mason shrugged and we got in the car. I gave him the address and he plugged it into the GPS. It was only ten minutes away and I probably could've walked, but with everything going on...

"I don't have to stay do i?" Mason asked after eyeing the fabric cluttered space.

"You'd better leave before Kat sees you."

He nodded and ran, leaving me alone in the swamp of fabric.

"You're here!"

I nearly jumped out of my skin at Kat's voice.

"You look awful, are you ok?"

Kat's eyes were bloodshot and her hair was a mess. She looked a little crazy. And she was acting it too.

"No. No I'm not ok. I'm about to blow my big chance."


And she did. Apparently Kat's boss was giving her designs a chance to be in a magazine but she needed pictures tomorrow.

"And you want me to model?"

Kat nodded eagerly.

"Why me?" I groaned. "Can't you do it? I'll take the pictures."

"I can't do it!" Kat screeched and I had to plug my ears. "Look at me."

"Ok, ok fine."

Patrick had already found me so I didn't have any reason to hide from publicity anymore.

Kat jumped up and down clapping and then pulled me into another room. This one was drastically different than the first. It was spotless. Not a piece of clutter anywhere. This must be where she's photographing.

Kat sat me down in a chair and started on my hair and makeup. It was heavier than I usually did and definitely more mature, but this was for Kat so I'd be fine. At least the makeup would make me less recognizable.

"Ah, perfect," Kat said and pulled me up. She led me to a dressing room where three outfits were hanging and left me to change.

The first outfit was a cream lace tank top with a matching blazer and shorts set. There were cream stilettos waiting for me and I stepped into them before admiring myself in the mirror. I looked good. It wasn't my style really, but I did look pretty good.

I walked out of the dressing room and Kat cheered. She set me up in different poses and a photographer took lots of shots. When Kat was satisfied, she redid my hair and sent me back to change into the next outfit.

I put on the black blouse and knee length pink skirt. I added some pumps and a belt and went out to repeat the photo process. Then I came back and put on the final outfit, a form fitting low cut dress that cut off half way down my thigh. When I walked out, Kat whistled and I blushed fiercely.

"Sexy," Kat said and had me give a turn. "It fits you perfectly too."

I did the last set of photos and the first thing I did after I changed was wipe off the thick layer of makeup on my face. It took three makeup remover wipes to get it all off and I still felt sticky.

I called Mason to come pick me up and when he got here I told him everything.

"How did it compare to shopping with her?" Mason asked. It was a tough question, but I sort of enjoyed today.

"Slightly better, although I think she's manic."

Mason laughed and we drove home together, picking up takeout on the way.

"I think you should be Kat's next model," I accidentally let my thought slip out.

"Oh you do?" Mason asked with a smirk.

"No you're right," I teased. "Danny is clearly the better choice."

"Hey!" Mason protested and I broke down laughing. Mason soon joined and we laughed together.

"You do look quite good in a suit though."

I knew I just gave his ego a boost, but it was the truth. I don't know how I wasn't drooling over him the first time I met him. Maybe because he seemed so stand offish. Oh how far from the truth that was.

"You're right. I do."

I leaned across the table and Mason met me halfway for a kiss. We'd been kissing a lot more lately, not that I minded. I loved it when Mason kissed me. The whole world melted away and it was just the two of us. Me and him.

"I love you," I said against Mason's lips.

"Mm," he hummed, putting his lips on mine again.

I pulled apart and walked to his side of the table. I wanted to be closer. I needed to be closer.

Mason scooted his chair back and I sat on his lap, straddling. I grabbed the hair on the back of his head and pulled his lips to mine. I picked up the pace and Mason happily obliged.

"My beautiful little model," Mason said against my lips. "We should stop."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because if we don't stop now, I might not be able to."

"Then don't," I said and pushed my lips back to his. The kiss was needy and messy. Mason lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist while he carried me upstairs. He laid me down gently on his bad and hovered above me.

"If you want to stop at any point, we stop."

"Shut up already," I said and pulled him back to me.



I woke up with Daphne in my arms and it was the best feeling in the world. She had been sleeping in here with me since the incident, but this was different. She had given herself to me last night, trusted herself with me last night and it meant the world to me.

I was absentmindedly stroking Daphne's hair as I studied her sleeping form. She looked so peaceful wrapped up in my blankets.

I felt Daphne snuggle in closer to me and then her eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning beautiful," I said and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She hummed in response, still half asleep.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Good," she answered as she snuggled even closer. "So good."

Her answer left me with a smile on my face. Daphne was my everything. I never thought I could love someone so much. Before I met Daphne I thought I'd never love someone like that.

"Move in with me."

"What?" she asked.

"Move in. Here. You're practically living here already and I don't want you to ever leave. I want you here, I want this to be our house, our bed. I love you so much Daph, please?"

She nodded and rolled over onto my chest.

"I'd love to call this home."

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