Chapter 13

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I woke up at Daphne's house with her in my arms. It had been the best sleep I'd gotten in a long time.

Daphne's head was resting on my chest and she was cuddled up into me. One of my arms was wrapped around her waist and the other was stroking her hair. God, I loved her.

Wait. I love her. I love Daphne.

A smile came over my face and Daphne gave one of her cute little yawns. She tried stretching her arms and then opened her eyes when she couldn't.

"Good morning beautiful," I said softly and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Good morning," she said and sat up to stretch her arms.

I leaned in to kiss her but she leaned back.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I have morning breath," she said and blushed.

"I don't care," I stated and leaned over to kiss her. She was hesitant, but this time she let me. Morning breath or no, I loved kissing Daphne and waking up to her made me happier than I had been in a long time.

Daphne pulled back and stood up, slightly out of breath. She padded into the bathroom and I called after her.

"Where are you going?"

"We have work," she called back.

I groaned but got up.

"Damn. I forgot about stupid work. I'm gonna run home to shower and change real quick and then I'll come pick you ok."

"Ok," she said and I headed out with a smile on my face.



I sighed as I stepped into the hot shower. I let the water run over my skin and I couldn't help but think back to Mason. He had stayed with me all night. I slept in his arms and didn't have one nightmare. It was like he chased them all away.

I don't know how I got lucky enough to get a Mason, but after last night, I knew I wasn't ever going to let him go. He made me feel safe and loved. And I loved him so much.

Oh my God. Oh my God. I love Mason. What am I going to do now? Do I tell him? Do I not? Do I pretend I'm dead and run away to Canada? No, not that one. But seriously, what am I going to do?

I blow dried my hair as fast as I could and stepped into my dress. I zipped up the back and stepped into my pumps when the door opened and Mason walked in. I had given him and Kat each a key the other day so Mason wouldn't have to slide the key under if he ever needed to lock up. And I wanted them to have a key so they could come in whenever they wanted to. I trusted them and I knew they would never do anything to hurt me so they didn't need to be locked out.

"Hi," Mason said as he stepped behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

He looked at me through the mirror and pressed a kiss to the top of my head. I turned in his arms and gave him a peck on the lips.

"We should get going," I said and pulled myself out of Mason's arms.

"Do we have to?" Mason grumbled and I laughed.

"Yes. You're the CEO and you have to go to work. You have a busy day ahead of you."

That didn't help and I practically had to drag Mason out the door. He reluctantly drove us to work and we walked in together, hand in hand. Mason was right, it didn't matter if everyone knew, I didn't care. I loved Mason and the world could know it. Well, maybe not the whole world. Still, I didn't miss the stares and the whispers.

"Just ignore them," Mason whispered. "They're just wondering how on earth I managed to get someone as amazing as you."

I giggled, although I'm sure it was the opposite. I often caught women staring at Mason in the office, I couldn't blame them though, I did too. And I wasn't jealous because Mason chose me and I trusted him.

Mason and I walked into his office but stopped when we saw someone sitting at his desk.

"Who the hell let him in here?" Mason shouted.

"Chill," Blake Chandler said from Mason's chair. "Your little assistant over there wouldn't give me an appointment so I decided to just pop in."

"Get out," Mason growled and his hands balled into fists.

"I don't think I will," Chandler said. "We have business to discuss. I know you're mad, but we've worked together successfully for years, we need each other."

"Wrong. I worked successfully with your father for years, he wasn't such an ass. And I don't need you and we both know that. So get out before I call security on you."

Chandler sneered but left. He was clearly angry.

"I fucking hate that guy. And I was having such a good day."

"Don't let him ruin it," I said and put my hands on Mason's chest. I gave him a kiss because I knew it would cheer him up.

I pulled back and went to my office despite Mason's protest. I had phone calls to make, meetings to organize, and a CEO to keep happy.

I was just about to meet Mason in his office for lunch when Anna buzzed up.

"There's a flower delivery for you," she said and my stomach dropped like a sack of bricks.

"Can you tell him to send it away?" I asked.

"He said you have to sign for it."


My hands were clammy and my heart was beating a mile a minute but I went downstairs and signed for the flowers. I tucked the card into my pocket and carried the flowers upstairs with shaky hands. I threw them right in the garbage and pulled out the note.

I'm coming for a visit. Get ready for some fun my sweetling.

I shoved the card into my drawer and sat in my chair. I didn't feel so good all of a sudden. He was coming for me. He was going to take me away. I gripped the edge of the chair and tried to fight back the tears in my eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Mason said from my doorway and the tears in my eyes fought their way out.

Mason kneeled down in front of me and wiped the tears off my face.

"What's wrong love?" Mason asked and all I could do was look over to the flowers in my trash can.

Mason followed my gaze and cursed.

"Again?" he asked and I nodded.

Mason took the flowers and stormed out to his office. I wrapped my arms around myself as silent tears dripped down my face.

"It's handled," Mason said and pulled me into his arms. "That company and every other flower company in Boston for that matter, will no longer be allowed to deliver here. And I'm having a friend of mine on the Police force look into this."

"Thank you," I whispered into his chest, but I didn't feel any better.

The flowers may stop, but he won't.

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