Chapter 6

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I got my first paycheck today! They went out at the end of each month and even though I hadn't been here the full month, I still got one, a partial one anyways. I went straight to the bank after work and deposited it into my new bank account that I set up. This was my new beginning.

Mason is picking me up early tomorrow morning to leave for New York. I was nervous about the event and all, but it was part of the job so I'd do it. I packed a wide variety of clothes and shoes since I didn't know exactly what I'd need. Mason said he'd handled my outfit for the event itself, but we'd be there for a day or two after as well and I didn't know what to expect.

I set the alarm on my phone for 4:00 tomorrow morning and snuggled into my new bed. I was sleeping much better since Mason had bought it for me. I still had nightmares from time to time, but they had gotten better over the past two weeks. I guess I was finally settling in.


I slammed my hand out over to my phone and turned off the alarm. I yawned and stretched my arms over my head.

I padded over to the bathroom and started the shower. Once it was nice and hot, I hopped in and almost melted into the heat. It felt so nice, but did nothing to help my grogginess. I made my shower quick because I still had to blow dry my hair and get dressed before Mason got here at 5:30.

I had forty-five minutes left to get dressed after my hair was dry. I wore a sweater and jeans with a pair of matching ankle boots.

I ate a quick granola bar for breakfast and patiently waited for Mason to arrive. I expected him to text me, but at 5:30 there was a knock on the door and I opened it to see him standing there with two coffees in his hands.

"Good morning," he said and handed me a coffee.

"Good morning," I replied, "and thank you for the coffee."

He brushed me off and took my bag from me. He rolled it down to the elevator and through the lobby for me. When we got outside there was a sleek black car waiting and a chauffeur stepped out. He took my bag and loaded it into the trunk before opening the back door for me and Mason. I thanked him and he too brushed me off. What's wrong with thanking people these days?

The ride to the airport was quiet, but not uncomfortable. I was pretty tired anyways to be honest. I expected the chauffeur to drop us off at the front, but he took us to some secret entrance in the back.

When the car stopped and we got out, I saw a sleek black jet with a white Z on the side. I didn't know Mason had a private jet.

Speaking of, Mason led me to the jet with a hand on my lower back. I'm pretty sure I had goosebumps.

My jaw dropped when we stepped inside the jet.

"Woah," was all I could say.

"You like it?" Mason asked and chuckled.

"This is the fanciest thing I've ever seen in my life," I told him and it was true. There were couches and cozy looking chairs and even a bed in the back. There were mini fridges filled with soda, water, and champagne and baskets of snacks on the tables. For a second I thought I was dreaming.

I closed my mouth before I could start drooling and sat down in a comfy looking chair. Mason sat in the chair across from me and took out his laptop. I, however, planned to read the new book I downloaded onto my phone.

I looked out the window as the plane took off and I watched the city shrink below us. I pulled out my phone to read but only got a few pages in before a yawn escaped me. I don't know when, but a few pages later, I drifted off to sleep.



Daphne was curled up in the chair and when I looked up, she had fallen asleep. I went over to the cabinet and pulled out a blanket to cover her with. She snuggled right into it.

I tried going back to my work, but I found myself unable to focus. I peeked over at Daphne and she looked so peaceful, so at ease. It was rare to see a person in that state of comfort.

I gave up on the idea of working after a few more minutes and tucked my computer away. I spent the rest of the plane ride relaxing and watching Daphne sleep.

When the pilot came over the intercom saying we'd be landing soon, I decided I should wake up Daphne. I gently rubbed my thumb over her cheek and she scrunched up her nose.

"Daphne," I said softly, "we're landing in a few minutes."

Her eyes opened and her cheeks went red when she noticed our close proximity. She was always blushing around me and I liked it.

I sat back down and my seat and Daphne yawned. It might've been the cutest thing I'd ever seen. She was like a baby bunny or something cute like that.

And I definitely shouldn't be thinking those things about my assistant.

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