"You better come back to us," Y/n says.

Jimin only huffs in response, planting his feet. "Go before it's too late." Without questioning him, they dart away, Jimin glaring down the beasts coming his way.

As soon as the others are out of the aisle, Jimin strikes. He needs to distract them as long as he can to make sure that his newfound friends don't have to face a God damn Behemoth by themselves. If they don't even know scavenging rules, then they're not gonna know how to defeat a Behemoth.

But Jimin does.

Jimin kills three zombies, jumping back before the next one can bite him. Five left. Four undead, one special. Jimin stabs the next one in the forehead, using his other knife to stab the one next to it. Two undead, one special. He grunts and backs away, the Behemoth starting to get bloodthirsty and gain speed. Dammit, he has to use his plan and he has to use it now. He doesn't even have a gun. But he does have a plan.

He rushes back, holstering his knives and grabbing as much of the undamaged goods as he can take. He waits and waits until they get close enough, about to grab him. Then... he pulls. He throws all the goods on the ground, the wires snapping. At least four wires snapped. Jimin yelps and sprints back, knowing he has three seconds at most. He takes three steps, panting. One second. Another step, he almost trips. Two seconds. At the last second he jumps as far away from the blast zone as he can. Three seconds.


The explosion rocks his body, sending him flying to the ground. He heaves, glancing up and seeing the remaining undead even, well, deader. His eyes widen, hope filling his body. Then the smoke clears, and he sees the Behemoth still standing strong. Well... fuck.

Jimin shouts and dashes away, the thing gaining speed and using its big hands to help propel it. Although Behemoths don't bite or infect, they can still kill. He zips as fast as he can, but it's not enough. The Behemoth catches up and hits him right in the back. Jimin screams as he goes flying, hitting one of the shelves with an ear-shattering 'thud'. He groans, grabbing his knife. He didn't come this far to die now.

With another groan, he uses the knife to hoist himself up, glaring down the Behemoth. The zombie shrieks and charges again. Jimin blindly reaches back, grabbing one of the objects on the shelf and pulling it. A wire snaps. Jimin wills himself to sprint despite the pain, the Behemoth knocking into the shelf Jimin was just against. Then, the explosion comes, Jimin getting thrown back again. This time he was barely far enough, his ears ringing and his vision blurring in and out. He hits his head with his hand, peeking up and seeing the Behemoth. Is it dead?

Jimin staggers to his feet, feeling for his knife, but not getting anything. So, he draws his last one. The explosion must've knocked his other knife away, but that's why he brings extra. He heaves, his lungs on fire from the smoke surrounding him. The Behemoth that appears dead stirs, getting back on its feet. "How the fuck are you still alive?!"

The monster swivels the little head it has and huffs. "Well fuck you too buddy!" Jimin shouts, limping back a few steps. Okay, so he's all out of tricks. Turns out badass loner survivor with a lot of knowledge can only get him so far. But he has a knife. A knife, ringing ears, and intense back pain. This is going great for him, huh?

His tongue dries up, his feet barely moving. It's like they're refusing to step when his brain tells them to. Jimin whimpers from the pain his skeleton feels, clutching the knife tighter. The Behemoth regains its footing, growling at Jimin. So Jimin's injured, panting and limping, only has one measly weapon left, and he pissed off the second most dangerous zombie in the world. Yeah, this is great. Wonderful. Life is fun.

In the Dead of Winter || •PJM•  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now