Chapter Ten (Edited.)

Start from the beginning

I noticed that she was no longer staring at me, but looking towards the lunch tables. Walter was with Jackal, playing some sort of card game and laughing like the world hadn't ended.

"He's much happier around people," she said, her voice growing almost dismissive. "I miss him being so happy."

"It's hard to be happy nowadays," I said in a voice so small that I was surprised she heard it. My eyes found Liam as we sat there. He was standing guard as usual, cleaning off the arrows that had snapper remains on them.

"He's cute," She said, catching me off guard. She laughed a little, motioning toward him. "Are you two together?"

"W-what?" I sputtered out. I was even more caught off guard by that one. After the initial shock, an awkward laugh rattled off my throat as Lucy looked at me with anticipation, smirking. "Um, no."

"Really?" She asked, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah," I said, shaking my head and looking down to my fingers. I could feel the heat creeping into my face. God, why did I feel like this? "Why would you think so?"

"You guys look like it," she said. "It's the way he looks at you. And it's clear to see he's protective over you."

After a few moments, I shook my head.

"I don't see it," I lied, returning my attention to Craig. "Besides, there's nothing between us."

"Mm," She said, looking at me, then to Craig. "Who's that? If you don't mind me asking..."

"His name is Craig," I said, my small smile fading. "He was part of the last group I was with."

Her gaze stuck on the bandaged stump that was his wrist.

"There was an accident," I said, glancing from her to him. "He was bit. I had to cut off his hand. He lost a lot of blood so I came here. Then, I met Liam and the others and here we are."

"Here we are," she said, smiling at me.

"Yeah," I said, smiling, but my smile fading as I looked to Craig. "I'm just really worried about him. He wasn't woken up in a long time. He's my best friend."

"The father was my best friend," She said, motioning toward her stomach. "He was a good man. We'd been high school sweethearts. Everyone knew us. And then we went to different colleges. It was hard, but we managed to make it work. And then one night he came over and the next thing I know, I'm pregnant and the world decided to end."

She let out a humorless laugh, but then grew somber.

"He was such a good man," she said, more to herself than to me. "He sacrificed himself to save us, to get me and this little one here back to my father. It was a miracle we managed to get out. I thought for sure that we were doomed."

"I'm sorry," I said, feeling nothing but genuine sympathy. "I know what it's like to lose someone you love."

"Honestly?" She started, shaking her head and giving me that same warm smile from before. "Everyone does in this world we live in. You have to move on, though, if you want to survive. You can't blame yourself for something that's inevitable. I can't be stuck in the past, I have to stay strong for this little guy."

"I have a feeling you're going to like it here, Lucy," I said, smiling at her. It was this moment that I decided that I liked her.

"Hey, girls," Darlene's voice rang out. I didn't even realize that she was near.

"Checking up on Craig?"

"Yes," She said. "You, too, Lucy."

"Yes, Ma'am," Lucy said, smirking. Darlene laughed as she tended to Craig, checking his vitals and putting a new bag in his IV. Before she moved to Lucy, however, she pulled me aside.

The Dead and the Restless (Completed with undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now