Paperwork [Pein]

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Pein is a quiet man, not often loosing his temper or quick to anger. He's a hard worker and actually a very good leader. Respected, feared, yet loved very dearly.

One of his loved ones is Sakura. It had all started as an exchange program, each kage would send one of their most trusted to a selected village. There they would learn and educate.

Sakura taught the medics of Ame and also helped Pein in paperwork which she is good at.

This led to a growing attraction between the two. Pein admired her hard work and efficiency, as well as her gentle but feisty way to work things out.

Sakura gravitated towards his steadfast attitude and awed in the way people loved him.

The leader stopped the woman from leaving one day after both had long hours of paperwork and for Sakura, healing.

"Sakura-san please wait."

The woman stopped quite curious seeing as they usually say their farewells and head their separate ways.

Pein sat at the great wooden desk behind him a balcony that overlooked the working citizen and ninja alike. His ringed royalty colored eyes dark because of the setting sun showcasing its beauty in the distance.

Orange, pink, and purple highlighting his already vibrant hair. Sakura dazed while observing the attractive leader, this is not the first time she had merely watched the man, struck by his eccentric looks yet stoic personality.

Pein cleared his throat working up the courage to ask the medic on a date. Where as she was in awe of his looks, Pein was speechless. The sunset shadowed the man casting a darker yet strong feel about him. However it is the opposite for Sakura, the brilliant colors of nature intensified her fairy like appearance.

Her pink hair and verdant eyes may be innocent looking but the flash of determination and fierce want for battle made her more to be a warrior.

Simply breathtaking.

Heart pounding, sweat building, "Sakura-san, would you like to join me for dinner tonight?"

Sakura's eyes widened and her gentle but professional smile faltered, this incredible man in front of her wanted to take her on a date.

An adorable blush flattered her face "allow me to freshen up and I will be more than pleased to join you."

"Of course, meet me at the bottom of the headquarters when you are finished." Pein managed to keep his calm as he finished their plans and saw Sakura out of the office.

He made his way back to his desk before an excited grin formed on his face.

Never had he been so grateful for paperwork.

I've been reading the Lord Of The Rings series so this may be way to detailed for no reason

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I've been reading the Lord Of The Rings series so this may be way to detailed for no reason...

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