Cute [Shino]

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Sakura never in a million years expected Shino of all people to be interested in her

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Sakura never in a million years expected Shino of all people to be interested in her. So when the young adult asked her for a date, she was surprised. But as she had matured over the years, seen war, and her friends not-so-subtle hints to move on from Sasuke. The pink-haired medic realized she needed to be more opened mind and more accepting.

In the past year or so, she apologized to all those she had treated badly, and some of the broken relationships began to mend.

One of the said relationships was her friendship with Ino, and so the Yamanaka was the first person she told about her date. Ino was obviously surprised too, but she was more than happy to help.

"How about this dress and these flats?" Sakura paused her actions to look over at the blonde.

In one hand was a light blue summer dress she had bought on a whim about a year ago. With a pair of white civilian sandals in the other.

The medic gasped at the conservative choices the blonde had made. "Are you feeling okay? Cause you gave me a decent outfit. That doesn't show my butt cheeks and cleavage."

Ino puffed out her cheeks "I give you decent outfits!"

Sakura paused again glancing back at her with a finely shaped pink brow arched and a sassy glare.

The Yamanaka chuckled a little before explaining her choice "the Aburame's are a more prudish clan, and Shino's a nice guy. So I don't want your clothes to be the reason he runs away. Especially since that can be traced back to me."

Sakura nodded at the beginning actually agreeing with the blonde. But when she continued to talked the medic then stuck her tongue out at her. Ino retaliated by doing the same causing the two of them to burst into laughter.

Time Skip

Sakura nervously waited 30 minutes before the scheduled time. Even though her time with Ino had helped calm her nerves, the waiting had caused it to return ten-fold.

"Sakura-san, good afternoon. I hope your not to nervous, why? Because this is a date to get to know one another."

The medic swirled to her right to see her date standing there. He, looked really good. His usual gray coat was exchanged for a shorter collared light gray coat, that still covered his mouth and chin.

His hooded overcoat was missing leaving his head open, the black glasses framed his face and fully covered his eyes. And where his forehead protector was left bare.

What made Sakura the most surprised is his hair.

His spiky dark brown hair that seemed untamable was gelled back enough to appear nicely styled.

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