Papa [Nagato]

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"Mama!" Sakura's daughter comes running towards her as she opens the door.

Yume, that's the name she had given the precious child. Since she was young, and throughly obsessed with Sasuke, the woman had dreamt of having a family.

Sakura moved on from Sasuke quickly realizing the man couldn't mentally or emotionally commit to a family, or even just a healthy relationship.

So she did what Ino suggested and looked around, Sakura really put herself out there trying to find Mr.Right. And she really thought she had found him.

Ranmaru and her hit it off, they connected immediately. For two years they dated strong, every once in a while having their small spats but never anything threatening to their relationship.

Then he proposed, Sakura was overjoyed. She hastily said yes as Ranmaru laughed rambunctiously.

But things became hazy, she had one to many drinks from the celebratory sake. Not noticing his abstinence from drinking, one kiss became a heated make out. Before she knew it she was waking up nude and with a incredible hangover.

Ranmaru shrugged off her concerns over their unprotected intimacy, so Sakura thought he didn't mind if she got pregnant and actually would want a family.

At the time, Sakura remembers vividly the warmth that spread through her chest at the idea of him taking care of their kids.

However soon her happy dream came crashing down.

With happy tears in her verdant eyes Sakura held up the positive test. She burst from the restroom rushing to her fiancé's location.

"I'm pregnant!" Sakura's emotional voice exclaimed. Ranmaru's tan face drained of color.

"Your what?!" He shouted in disbelief and anger.

"I'm pregnant-." The medic was cut off as Ranmaru grabbed her wrist. His eyes fierce and his body tense.

"Get rid of it." The man's voice was calm as madness formed in his expression.

Sakura was quick to leave, being the strong person she is the medic had no problem breaking away from him.

The woman broke off their relationship moving in with Ino as her parents were repulsed by her newfound pregnancy.

Nine months came and went as she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, with her pink hair and unfortunately her ex's hazel eyes.

Time passed some more as Sakura watched her daughter grew into an adorable child. Then that dreaded question came up, 'where's my papa?'

By now the only steady man in her life was Nagato, as surprising as that sounds.

After Sakura had Yume she decided to move to the farthest and most remote area she could think of.

So Amegakure became their new home. Within a week of living there the medic was hired by the Akatsuki. Who had turned into a group of elite legal ninja for Ame.

Sakura often brought Yume to the Akatsuki headquarters when she went to work. Seeing as the four year old was interested in the process of healing.

Nagato hired Sakura for her proficiency in the medical field, however was surprised when the woman stated that she would have to bring her child to work sometimes.

The leader dreaded the first day Yume was brought to the headquarters.

The elevator dinged as it came to a stop on the main floor. The pink-haired duo made their way off it as the doors closed behind them.

"Good morning Sakura-san." The red-haired leader was sitting at the dining room table sipping at a cup of tea.

Sakura smiled at the man "good morning Nagato-san. Say good morning sweetie."

The smaller pink-haired female was nudged forward by her mother. Yume shyly nodded as she walked over.

The girl grinned as she handed a hand drawn thank you letter to the man "thank you Nagato-sama for taking care of my mama. Oh! And good morning."

The leader glanced down surprised before looking at the drawing. It was actually good for a four-year-old, there the cloud symbol stood proudly.

Nagato gently placed a hand on her head sending a small grateful smile her way. "Your mother is a hard worker, I am honored to have her working for me."

After that morning Yume became enamored with the man and ran towards his office every time she came with her mother.

And with the little girl as their connecting factor, Sakura and Nagato began the slow process of dating.

After two years the man came to see the two as part of his family and couldn't help but think of maybe one day, a little red-haired boy would join their family.

Sakura and Nagato wanted to advance their relationship but both were unsure of wether the pink-haired angel would accept Nagato as her father.

Until one night.

Sakura tried for fifteen minutes to get Yume to fall asleep but the little girl only wanted Nagato to read her a bed time story.

In her cranky half asleep state Yume said something that warmed the woman's heart.

"No mama, your stories are boring. I want papa to read to me."

Tears sprang in verdant eyes "alright honey, I'll get Nagato. But I want you to do something for me, when he gets here call him papa. I promise he will be really happy."

Sakura stepped out the door way calling for Nagato to assist her. This was sort of a regular occurrence at this point.

As the red-haired man opened the door Yume lit up "papa! You came!"

Nagato stopped dead in his tracks he knelt down with happy tears in his ringed eyes. "C-could you repeat that for me, my sweet angel."

Yume crawled out of bed running over to his embrace "papa is papa."

Her straight forward words brought Nagato over the edge as tears flowed down his cheeks.

Sakura stood back and watched this moment, though Yume doesn't know her biological father Nagato, in her mind, was the only father she wanted.

This is the scene Sakura had been waiting for her entire life. This is the feeling she had been searching for.

It might have come from the most unordinary places. But who ever said that love was conventional.

 But who ever said that love was conventional

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I am so sorry you guys. I know y'all probably don't want excuses but here it is. I started a new job, and at the end of every day it leaves me completely drained. It's a job that requires me to work 8 hours a day and 5 days a week. I also have to drive almost an hour to get there. So from 7 in the morning to 9 at night.

I'm really not trying to complain or anything, I'm just tired all the time right now. So until I can get used to the new schedule it's going to be sporadic updates. And again I am sorry, especially after I said I was going to get back on schedule too.

Anyways here's an extra long chapter, and to be honest we're almost at the end of this book. So if your interested in seeing a second part to a specific chapter or a different theme to a character. Don't hesitate to ask.

Until next time~

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