"Charlotte, stay with Clarke and Finn," I said to her. I silently pointed to where the exit of the tent was, and Finn nodded. I didn't want anyone else to hear where they were going to sneak out. "Bellamy and I will keep Murphy distracted."

I looked up at Bellamy who nodded, and I went out to where Murphy and everyone else was standing. Amusement came into his eyes when he saw me starting to walk towards him.

"Look who decided to join us, little miss Blondie," he said to me, a smirk playing on his face. I was the one who cut him down, made sure he was breathing. Now that I showed support to Charlotte, he's treating me like crap again.

"Dial it down and back off," I heard Bellamy say. He was about to walk in front of me when I put my hand up, stopping him. I had to show Murphy I wasn't on any sides, maybe he'd listen to me.

"Or what, Bellamy?" Murphy questioned, turning his gaze to the man behind me. "What are you going to do, hang me?"

"I was just giving the people what they wanted," Bellamy said. I could feel his presence tense up.

"Yeah, alright, that's a good idea," Murphy said, turning around to face the rest of the group. "Why don't we do that right now. Who here wants to see the real murderer hung up? All in favour?"

Four people put their hands up, the rest stayed quiet and didn't move. I felt bad for him, everyone was willing to kill him a second ago. He didn't have much of a team rooting for him.

"I see," Murphy said, his smirk falling from his face. "So it's alright for me to get hung up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk? Cowards! All of you are cowards!"

"Murphy," I said sternly, making him turn to face me. He didn't look pleased, and from the way I was feeling, I didn't either. "She's just a kid."

"A kid who killed someone, and let me get hung for it!" he snapped, walking closer to me. "Stop trying to defend her."

"I'm not," I told him, sounding serious. "You've been treating people like complete shit, that's why they wanted to hang you. Even if you weren't accused of killing Wells, they still would've."

"So, you're telling me that because I'm rude they can kill me, but not a young girl who's murdered someone?" he asked me, raising his eyebrows.

"No, I'm saying that you've hurt more people than Charlotte has," I told him. "I think she should be punished, but not by being hung. I didn't even think you should've been hung." He kept staring at me, obviously waiting for a better answer. "Why don't we hold a trial, and see what punishment everyone thinks she should get. She isn't going to get away with this, I won't let it happen."

Murphy was quiet for a moment, but then nodded at me. I nodded back, and Bellamy and I started to walk away from him when something hit the back of my head. I fell to the ground, and started to feel dizzy.

"Zen!" Bellamy screamed, starting to run over to me. He fell also, only he was knocked out instantly. I tried to regain my focus and stand up as Murphy went into the tent we were previously in, looking for Charlotte.

"Charlotte, I know you can hear me!" Murphy called out, "and when I find you, you are going to pay for it! Come on, let's find her!"

When Murphy and four of his henchmen walked out of camp and into the forest, I made my way over to Bellamy, who was being held by Octavia. Jasper came running with a damp cloth, and passed it to me. I thanked him, and placed it on Bellamy's forehead. I checked his pulse, just to be certain nothing bad happened, and sighed of relief when it was still there.

"He's just unconscious, he'll be fine," I said to Octavia, who smiled. She looked down at her hand that was holding his head, which had blood all over it. She looked up at me, worried. "When he's awake I'll fix it."

Lose A Little To Save A Lot ↭ Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now