Chapter 15. Hosu

Começar do início

"Damnit.." said Stain holding his burned side and glaring at him.

Izuku then flexed his arm and two little boxes came out of his shoulders and they targeted multiple areas on Stains body.

Before Stain could react he felt a bunch of small projectiles go through his knees and elbows making him fall to the ground and not be able to move.

"I severed the tendons in the areas I shot but don't worry I didn't hot anything vital and someone with a healing quirk can heal you easily" said Iron Man.

He then walked up to him and his upper arm opened up and shot out a pair of cuffs that restrained his arms together behind his back.


"Well that's where you are wrong Stain. I beat you and I did it cause I had to and to stop you from killing anymore people" said Iron Man.

He then walked over and grabbed him dragging him with him while he also grabbed Iida and Native and slowly flew off to where the other heroes are.


Iron Man landed on the ground and dumped them on the ground with him dropping Iida and Stain with no regards to their injuries.

"I'm not apologizing" he said simply while looking at Iida "and just know that your brother and parents are most definitely. Going to be very disappointed in you for this stupid stunt you pulled".

"Hey are you alright!?" Yelled a hero running up to them.

"Jarvis call back Igor over here so we can get ready to go back to UA" said Izuku as he saw on the side of his HUD Igor standing in front of the. Collapsed building that finally burned down.

"Woah is that Stain?" Said one of Endeavors sidekicks.

"Who beat him".

"That kid who won the sports festival... Midoriya I think his name was" said Native holding his side.

Everyone then turned and looked at Iron Man with his mask opening and showing his face.


Izuku sat in the hospital along with Todoroki and they were both looking at Iida with disappointment in their eyes.

"That was very foolish to go after them for revenge Iida" said Todoroki.

"I know but I had to do something!" Said Iida.

"Yeah leave it to the professionals" said Izuku finally voicing his opinion.

Iida was about to respond when the door opened showing Manual walking in.

"Hello kids... You have someone who'd like to talk to you" he said gesturing to the person behind him.

Just then a police officer walked in with the head of a dog.

"What you did young Iida was very foolish and could have gotten you killed.

Not only that but you broke the law along with you Midoriya" he said looking at them both.

"I haven't broken any laws and I had permission to use my gear from Nezu" said Izuku.

"Your still in training and your not even in hero class so what would you know about being a hero?

If I wanted to I can have any hopes of dreams of being anything be torn away and have you thrown in jail" the police chief said.

"Quirk article 371. Police may only punish those who have used their quirk in public or in any form of self defense" said Izuku. "Your law specifically states that I can only be punished if I used a quirk but I'm quirkless and those things. I used were my gear that I built and principal Nezu gave me full permission to be out there doing hero work".

"Oh and what about the serious injuries you gave Stain? You could have easily crippled him for life with where you shot him".

"But I didn't and those injuries can be healed by anyone with a healing quirk. Officer".

"That still doesn't excuse you injuring him without a license".

"But I don't need a license your law specifically States I can only be punished if I had a quirk. So in other words your wrongfully accusing me and trying to blame me for something I'm innocent for. In the eyes of the law".

The Chief growled under his breath "fine but those weapons you used shouldn't be in the hands of a kid like you and you should give them to me".

"If you want to do that then I'll see you in court" said Izuku glaring at him "and trust me my lawyer could whoop your ass. Before you could bark".

"Oh and who is your lawyer?".

"My auntie or better known as Mitsuki Bakugo the devil's advocate".

The Chief gulped but said nothing before he walked over to Iida to scold him.

Izuku just chuckled and left while making a mental note to talk to Mitsuki.

Izuku The Man Of IronOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora