"You should tell him."

"What?! No. What if he rejects me? It would be weird because we live together."

"Just do it." You put your hand on hers. "Trust me."

"O-ok..." She gets up and walks towards Jordan.

Mark walks over and sits where Alex was.

"What are you doing?"

"Building up my future carrer as a match-maker."

"Oh really." He laughs.

You both watch Alex and Jordan. Alex is talking, then Jordan is talking, and then they hug.

"See." You look at him with a smile on your face. He looks deep into your eyes. He puts his hand on your cheek, rubbing it with his thumb. He gets closer and closer to you.

"Mark," Pewds asks as he walks up to you both. "Can we play mario kart now?"

"That sounds like a good idea."


Right now Alex, Jack, Bob, and Aaron were playing. Whoever gets first place gets to play in the finale round with Mark, Ryan, and Jordan.

"BOOM! I WIN," Sean yells triumphantly," LIKE A BOSS!!"

"Ok now," Wade starts to say," the four winners have to play against eachother on Rainbow road and whoever wins gets the prize."

"What's the prize?"

"To kiss (Y/n)."

"What? Seriously?" You ask. Mark glares at wade.

"Yeah. Why not? Its just for fun."

"Fine ok."

"And it has to be a real kiss. Not a peck. It has to last 3 seconds."

Mark looks some what angry. 'Man i hope he doesn't say anything. I don't want them to know we're together. Not yet.'

"Ok ready? Let's play."


They all died a bunch of times. It was pretty funny.

You hear a noice again. Still faint but a little louder than before.

'Maybe its just the pipes.'

"Ha i win!" No one other than Mark yells.

'Of course.'

He walks up to you. He grabs your face with both his hands. You run your fingers through his hair. He starts getting close to your face, but then his phone rings.

"Hold on." He pulls his phone out his pocket. "Its my mom." He walks out then room for a second, but then runs back in.

"You guys im so sorry, but i have to go. Thomas is in the hospital," he loudly says as he runs around the apartment getting his things ready. He stops and holds your face again. "I need to go to Cincinnati for awhile, probably a week. Will you please watch over my place until i get back." You nod and he kisses the top of your head. "Thank you." He gives you his house key then he leaves.

Everyones just staring at you.

"Why did Mark kiss you?" Yami asks.

You could tell everyone was wondering the same question.

"Well...uh...I." you sigh.

'Might as well tell them.'

"Me and Mark are....sorta...going out." You didn't want to tell them because you didn't think they'd like you. You would feel horrible if your role models didn't except you.

"I know it!" you look up at Wade and see him smiling. You look at everyone and notice them all smiling.

"Why didn't you guys say anything," Bob asks walking toward you.

"I didn't think you'd like me."

"Well, what's not to like," jack says.

"Yeah. Your really funny."

"And pretty."

"And awesome."

"You and Mark are perfect together," Felix says hugging you.

"Thanks guys. I really appreciate it."

You all clean up and you hug them all goodbye. Getting their numbers first so you can do collabs together. Before you left, though, you went into Mark's room and got his Markiplier M shirt and Tiny Box Tim to keep with you while Mark was gone.


You got ready for bed. Putting on Mark's shirt and taking in his scent.

'I miss him so much and he's only been gone for an hour. How am I going to survive the whole week?'

You decided to text Mark.

I miss you already. I hope you get there safe and that ypur brother's ok. Good night.

I miss you soo much too. Goodnight beautiful.

You watched some of his videos while cuddling your bear and tim, falling asleep to the sound of his voice.

What Life Would That Be? (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now