The Worlds are WHAT!!!???

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We've read Disney Characters watching their own movies. There's only one Kingdom Hearts Characters watching themselves. But we've NEVER Get a chance to see the Kingdom Hearts characters watching movies from the worlds they had traveled to or summoned for help.

A powerful deity had spirited everyone away to an uncharted world, to reveal a shocking truth about their universe.



I'm giving this to anyone who wants to take on this story.


Op n y r ey s...

Open your eyes...

Open your eyes.

Wake up.

Sleep is always so tiring, but not recalling when you fall asleep is a different story.

Sora manage to get himself up and stretch out his tired muscles, before realizing that he's not on Destiny Island, or on the Gummi ship. He isn't where he knows where he is, not only that, but all of his friends are here with him.

'This is bad. How did all of us got here, and where is 'here' anyway?' Sora thought as he went over to Kairi and gentle tries to wake her, "Kairi!"

Fluttering her eyes, Kairi opened her eyes as she looks up to the one boy, she truly loves staring right back at her. "Sora!" She cried as she holds him in an affectionate hug, "I thought you disappeared."

"I thought I did too, but I guess something was different." said Sora, "Hey, can you keep it down? Some of us are trying to sleep here."

Time Skip (Ad more Details to you inmagenation)

After waking everyone up, and not using the power of waking, they were now on alert of their surroundings. Which made them realize that they are standing in grand palace, it's so beautiful that it could be a mash-up of Elsa's Ice castle, Jasmins' palace, Beast's Castle, The Emperor's palace, Sleeping beauty's, Cinderella's, Atlantica, and Disney's Castle.

In fact, there were some stain glass art designs of them along with many other people that few people in their group knows. "Did we die, and go to paradise?" Pence ask out loud to anyone.

"If you were to call my home a paradise? Then yes."

Everyone whipped around to see the person who is responsible for bring them all here.

(Describe the Person in your own image)

"Why have you brought us here?"

"To show you all the truth."

"What truth?"


(One long explanation later that you can put into details)

"The worlds are WHAT??!!! And we're a WHAT??!!!"



That's it for now, you can use your imagination and ideas to where this story will take you.
And at the end of the fanfic, everyone is given a sneak peek into their future. By watching the Kingdom Hearts IV trailer.

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