"Kate, Eloise," he heard Miss Cowper greet. 'Why had she not greeted the red head?' thought Michael as he leaned in closer.

"Penelope is here as well Cressida," he heard the taller girl say. 'So, this was the young lady Colin Bridgerton had been speaking about.' He had remembered that the lady Colin Bridgerton was moaning about was named Penelope.

Miss Cowper had a sneer of her face that Michael did not like. This woman seemed to have a mean streak. "Oh yes. Dear Penelope. I am surprised to you see you here."

"And why is that Cressida?" he heard the other girl ask.

"Well, just with everything that was printed in Lady Whistledown's column," said Miss Cowper. 'Who is Lady Whistledown," thought Michael. "I did not think you had the nerve to show your face. To think, someone that you were so close with said such unspeakable things. How embarrassing for you."

Michael felt the anger slowing building in his chest. What had Miss Featherington done to Miss Cowper for her to treat her in such a way. His cousin John, the Earl of Kilmartin had often been picked on during his youth for being quiet and scholarly and Michael had always been rising to his defense. He despised bullies. He decided then and there that Miss Cowper, despite her outwardly beauty would not make an appropriate wife for his cousin.

"Well clearly, as I am here Cressida, I do have the nerve," he heard Miss Featherington reply. He inwardly cheered for her as he continued to listen to the conversation.

Miss Cowper clearly did not like that her insults were not hitting their mark because it was then that she went for the kill. "I have to say that is a lovely dress Penelope," as her disdainful gaze raked over Miss Featherington's form. It does me good to see you looking so well. The adjustments that Madame Delacroix have made have done wonders for your figure."

The anger inside Michael was quickly reaching a boiling point. He heard the viscount's fiancé whose name he deduced to be Kate say, "Whatever are you implying Cressida?"

"Oh, well just that Madame Delacroix has managed to make our dear Penelope look less fat. I always worry for you. It is so unhealthy for young ladies of our age to weigh more than ten stone. Perhaps your new gowns will motivate you to lose the extra weight."
Michael could take no more. His ears were ringing, and his hands were clenched into fists. He came out from his hiding spot and approached the young women.

"Ladies," he said before bowing. He eyes locked with the young Miss Featherington, and she was even prettier than he thought. He heard Miss Cowper say his name and mention something about the dance that he had asked her for earlier in the evening.
"I am so sorry to interrupt your conversation but Miss," he said his eyes never leaving Miss Featherington's. "I have seen you dancing all night and I have been working up the courage to ask you to dance with me. Would you do me the honor?"

He watched as Penelope looked behind her as if she thought he was looking to dance with someone other than her.

"But you cannot dance with her," he heard Cressida say loudly. They were starting to attract stares from across the ballroom. "You have not been introduced. That would be incredibly ill bred."

Michael seethed at Miss Cowper's words. She had the audacity to accuse him of being ill bred after what she just said to Miss Featherington. He was grateful when one of the young women that flanked Miss Featherington's side offered to introduce them.
"Mr. Stirling," said the woman he did not know but apparently knew him. "Please allow me to introduce you to Miss Penelope Featherington. Penelope this is Mr. Michael Stirling, cousin to the Earl of Kilmartin."

Miss Featherington gave him a beautiful soft smile. "It is my pleasure to meet you Mr. Stirling and yes I would be delighted to dance with you," she replied as she took his hand.

"But Mr. Stirling, you promised this dance to me," Miss Cowper whined at him. He turned to her and gave her his most menacing stare. "I apologize Miss Cowper, but I would prefer to rescind my invitation as I would like to dance with Miss Featherington instead."

Miss Cowper's jaw dropped before she huffed away in anger. He turned towards Miss Featherington. "I do hate a bully," he said before escorting her to the floor.

Michael could see that Miss Featherington was still processing what happened a few moment's ago. "Penny for your thoughts Miss Featherington?"

"I was just thinking that no one has ever stood up for me like that before. I am assuming that you heard what she was saying about me," said Miss Featherington as they stood in position for the waltz.

"Yes, I did. And Miss Cowper's words could not have been further from the truth. I have been unable to keep my eyes off of you all night. I was truthful when I said that I was plucking up the courage to ask you for a dance," Michael said softly.

"Mr. Stirling," Miss Featherington gently admonished as a delicious blush spread from her neck towards her face. This Colin Bridgerton was a fool if he did not see the beautiful woman that was right under his nose. "I fear that we are attracting an audience with our dance."

Michael ripped his eyes from Penelope's adorable face and looked about the room. They were indeed attracting a great many stares. He looked over to the Bridgerton family. The ladies seemed delighted that Penelope was dancing with him, the gentlemen were not as pleased. Anthony, Benedict and the Duke of Hastings were looking at him with concern. They clearly knew of his reputation and did not like him dancing with Miss Featherington.

"Only because you are so beautiful Miss Featherington," replied Michael which earned a laugh from Penelope.

"Why are you laughing?" asked Michael.

"Just you saying that I am beautiful. I am not beautiful Mr. Stirling. You do not need to try to flatter me. I am grateful that you stood up for me and for the dance. I rarely get the chance to."

Michael was confused. "Did Miss Featherington really not think she was beautiful or that he as dancing with her out of pity?'

"Miss Featherington," said Michael as he twirled her around the ball room. "I would not have asked to dance if I did not want to. And you are beautiful, the most beautiful lady in this room I believe. Do not doubt yourself." It was then that the dance ended, and he escorted her off the floor.

"May I call on you tomorrow, Miss Featherington?" asked Michael quietly. Michael was not one to call on young ladies especially those who were gently bred but something about Miss Featherington intrigued him. He wanted to get to know her better.

"You truly wish to?" Miss Featherington replied disbelievingly.

"I do."

"If you truly wish to call on me, then yes I will be happy to see you."

"Oh, and please call me Michael Miss Featherington, everyone does."

Another delightful blush spread across her cheeks. "Michael then. And you must call me Penelope."

Michael smiled. He reached out to touch a curl that had fallen over shoulder and gently tugged on it. "Until tomorrow, Penelope," he replied before bowing and taking his leave.

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