Sorting Part 15

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Neville Longbottom was nervous as he swept through the great hall. He was appointed Head of Gryffindor house a few years ago. By Headmistress McGonagall a few years ago and though he knew it was coming, McGonagall let slip that next year she would be retiring, which meant that next year he would be Headmaster of Hogwarts. As a last ditch effort McGonagall decided to throw a party for every student and staff of the Graduating class of the year 1998-1999, which included the golden trio and all the Slytherins,  to say he was nervous about the end of the year would be a understatement. He tried not to show it. He didn't tell anyone but he did enroll in to the Auror Program when he graduated out of school but he quit 5 years into the job and decided to take up professor's sprouts offer of being the next herbology teacher but during that time in the auror program and in school he became somewhat friendly with the Slytherin Prince who was Head boy at the time and he became a prefect they often paired up on getting through potions, which he wasn't as bad as he thought, while Neville helped him with herbology homework, and they did Patrols together increasing the bonds of house unity with the help of Hermione, along with Neville asking Draco if he could help him with Legitimency, and Occlumency. Neville found he wasn't half bad at it which explains the blank face that he was wearing right now as he swept through the great hall when his nerves where at a 11 on a scale of one to ten, next year he would have to pick a deputy headmistress, or deputy headmaster and he was kind of torn at the thought. He then got to the entrance of the great hall and he went down the hallway to greet the first years. which brought up another set of nerves His second youngest kids were going to be coming this year. 

After the war, Luna and he got together and got married they settled down, Luna, who had a very bright personality had 3 sets of twins. There were the 16 year old's, Lorcan and Lysander, then there was Frank and Alice his 11 year old's now, and the twin 5 year old's, Pandora and Crystal. Luna named the oldest, He named the second set of twins, and He named Crystal while she named Pandora after her mother. To say he was a content man was a understatement but he always knew Alice would be his little girl and she is going to be sorted this year and honestly he didn't know what house she would be in she showed signs of being in all the houses, including Slytherin same with her brother. His wife still a magizoologist but also a stay at home mom while he was a professor at Hogwarts. He was going to be the one that sorts the students this year and it would be his last year doing it. He walked all the way down to the  entrance where there was Hagrid waiting at the entrance with the first years. Neville never minded teaching students about herbology but when it comes to announcements to the new students he tries to be original. So he said, "For those of you who don't know I am Professor Longbottom." Some of the kids chuckle knowing fully well who he is including his charismatic twins were amongst the few who chuckled, "Follow me if you want to live." He said Joking with a smirk on his face. The students chuckled at that." They entered the school and went to the top of the stairs and the first students he noticed where the twins in the front row and He smiled at his children. 

"Welcome to Hogwarts, It is always so fun to introduce first years to the masses, however this will be my last one, so I thought make it memorable, especially when my children are in this crowd. So I am going to tell you a story, Once I was just like you, I lost my toad on the train to Hogwarts, and then I went and met professor McGonagall for the first time. She was one of those people you didn't want to mess with, I was so nervous about the sorting that when I was sorted into Gryffindor I asked the hat to put into Hufflepuff, and it said no and I ran to the Gryffindor table with the hat on. I had to go back and give the hat back to McGonagall. I went from this weak kid to the man I am now and I couldn't be happier. My children and my family are the best thing that happened to me and I wouldn't have either if I didn't come to Hogwarts. As for the fact that my whole family has been in Gryffindor I wouldn't care if any of my children got into Slytherin, They are my children and same would go for you if your family is in Slytherin and you are sorted into Gryffindor. Don't let anyone push you around, your house does not define you. I have taught brave and muggleborn Slytherins, I have seen cowardly Gryffindors and snooty Hufflepuffs and not too smart Ravenclaws. I repeat your house does not define you. It is your choices that make you who you are. The wizarding war has been over for over a decade, it is time to move on from past prejudices, and lead our best life." Someone snorted in the crowd. He looked at the girl that snorted is in the front and he recognized her immediately, "Something you would like to say Miss Fawley?" He had an air of impatience around him and looked quite angry. "I can't say you are the worst student I encountered but if you disrespect me I can hand out detentions and lets just say, I can introduce you to the worst part of herbology hence the gross stuff, do you want that?" He said glaring at her. "If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. I would caution restraint." He said with an air of finality around him. "Many of you will probably see your cousins or siblings around the hall. Maybe even a parent amongst the staff. We reward those who get questions right with point system as you enter the hall you will see the giant hourglasses behind the staff table for the house cup and then you will notice the delights that is Quidditch which we as of the last 5 years have lifted the first year ban that keeps students from Quidditch which I can imagine many of you will want to try but keep in mind that it is unlikely for you to get into the Quidditch team even if you do try out. Like I repeat I do caution restraint." He smiled at the crowd. "Any trouble making will earn you nothing but Detentions and points taken from your house. We are proud to have such young students as we walk into these halls and see the beauty that is the Hogwarts castle. House Unity is practiced daily. You can sit at any table you want. Maybe to see a family friend, maybe to see your twin, many of you will be sorted based on your personality, not by your family relations. Your family doesn't define you. You do. Whatever you do in the next few years is up to you. Now I suggest you all have fun, get to know your classmates, and most importantly embrace yourself, while I go and see when the sorting ceremony starts." Neville left and opened the door to the great hall and went inside but not before he winked at his kids at the front row.

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